our true selves.

April 1st, 2009

our true selves.


April 1st, 2009

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hola amigos! my name is shay and i will be playing audrey samson ( played by ali larter ). audrey's reincarnation is the infamous demon barber sweeney todd! audrey has been haunted by dreams of slicing people's throats open and chopping their bodies to make delicious meat pies! gross, huh? she thinks so, too. more information can be found here.

if anyone is up for plotting, let me know! i won't bite.

i'm ecstatic to be here and get the pleasure of meeting you all!

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Hey guys!

Sheena's having some computer problems and she's not sure when they're going to be fixed, so she's officially on hiatus. Modly stuff should continue as normal, so don't worry about that.

This effects : korin fitzpatrick | callisto | xena: warrior princess
dylan hart | sam tyler | life on mars
aslan myles | aziraphale | good omens
parker smith | the doctor | doctor who

If you need anything modly (or anything at all) then I can always be reached on AIM at uneasy lies.


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Hey all! It's Shiloh, bringing in my third character because I have no self control. :P This is Victor Roth, reincarnate of River Tam from Firefly. He works for the Agency, at the New York City location, as a Caretaker. He was very recently hired, so he's still getting into the swing of things. Victor used to be a lawyer, so he tends to specialize in legal issues. He can also kill you with his brain. His mindreading abilities help him deal with more unstable reincarnates, so there's that as well. HIs full profile is here for your reading pleasure. :D As usual, my AIM is liberate the day. Plotting does the body good. ;)
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