our true selves.

March 31st, 2009

our true selves.


March 31st, 2009

New Character

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Hey guys! Sia here (Alex + Gabriel) with a new character - Castiel, aka Leo Martinez, from Supernatural!

He's a real bastard, so don't be offended if he's...well, I warned you. :P

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Hey everyone, I'm back and terribly sorry for disappearing on y'all for such a long time without a word, I won't let it happen again. Real life just got a little overwhelming and I frankly I forgot all about RPing, but Sia won't let me fade out of this place and I'm very grateful for it 'cause I had a lot of fun here and I'm sure I'll continue to have a lot of fun now that I'm back.

To all the new faces, hello, my name's Reno and I play Christer Blake, an aspiring actor who lives in Las Vegas and is suddenly struggling with the memories of Dean Winchester from Supernatural.

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Hey, folks. Colleen here again, with number 5. This here's Matt Fabian, who just so happens to have the smug rodeo sonuvabitch Jack Twist in his head. He's out of UT Austin, an engineering frat boy who is more concerned with football and parties than his studies, although he can be intelligent if he tries. His application is a bit short, but linked through the picture in his profile, if you're interested. He's been with Jack for a couple years, now, but didn't pay much attention to the boards for a long while, in favor of just getting on with his life. He decided to pick back up with it again, after an Agency email ended up forwarded to his ΘT (frat) account. He's not exactly pleased that his family has been asking him about things lately, although he's managed to avoid saying who he is. So far.

He'll be posting here in just a bit, but I might not answer for a few hours, since it's time to pack up and head home for me. Anyhow, as always, Matt, along with Belle, Dominic, Jax, and LA are all open for plot/threads/whatever. ♥

(Oh, also- now that the limit is raised [Bless you, Katy and Sheena!], I'm considering branching out even more, character wise. If you have anyone that you want to see, most of you have gotten an idea of my writing style, now- if you think I could help, let me know!)

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Hi, everyone! My name is Charisma, and I'm brand new to the community. I bring you Holly Quesner, who's played by the lovely Sarah Michelle Gellar. Holly has been plagued with memories of none other than the Queen of Hearts. Unfortunately for her, it's not the one from the precious children's book. Instead, she's a maniacal woman who enjoys cutting people up. Fun, right? :D You can find all of her info here.

If anyone would like to do some plotting with her, that would be absolutely fantastic!

It's certainly a pleasure to be here, and I can't wait to play with all of you.
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