our true selves.

January 27th, 2009

our true selves.


January 27th, 2009

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HAY KIDS. From the same director that brought you ROBERT PORTER, comes... BENJAMIN ADAMS. Da-da-daaaa! ... Yeah, okay. It's Elle here, with Ben Adams; also known as the Goddamn Batman. Only he's a British kid who ditched his well-off family in Kent and ran away to London to live life like he wanted to. Which didn't work out so well so now he's pretty much a thief, and has pulled some small cons but never really manages to steal much money. He's a cocky smart-ass, very much like Bruce Wayne's public side - the philandering playboy. Recently though he's starting to develop a weird sense of keeping justice that he doesn't understand NOR like, and though he's always had a serious temper problem it's only getting worse - and he doesn't have Batman or an outlet like him to release it. I'm drawing mostly from the Nolanverse Batman, because I will have no nipple-suits in my Batdom, thank you very much.

And um, yeah. :D PLOTS, you know I like plots. Give them to me! Um, please? :D
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