our true selves.

January 26th, 2009

our true selves.


January 26th, 2009

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Hullo all! I'm Elle and I'm situated in Australia, which probably means I'm in the future compared to a lot of people. :3 I bring you mister Robert Porter, a professor of archeology and anthropology at Oxford University whose very boring and simple life has been turned completely upside-down once he found out he's actually the reincarnated form of Puck from A Midsummer Night's Dream. Nerdy, socially retarded bookworm mixed with fun-loving, spritely, mischievous Puck? Not the best combination. Rob's still trying to get a handle on all these new thoughts, memories and feelings, but he'd really rather just be left out of the whole thing and go back to his ordinary lifestyle. Luckily he doesn't have a choice. 8D

I love and need plots of all kinds. Seriously. It's like a drug. So comment here or catch me at batsarenocturnal on AIM, even if it's just to chat! <3
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