our true selves.

April 3rd, 2010

our true selves.


April 3rd, 2010


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To: Sam
From: Logan

You have (1) new message. )

Over the intercoms in CORE HQ

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"Code black. Code black. We're under attack from Camelot and the Agency. They've infiltrated the building and they intend take out everyone in their path. Concentrate on the east and west stairwells and ready your weapons. If you don't have a weapon, find one now. If you aren't busy fighting, you'll be busy dying. Drive them out at all costs. This is it, nothing else matters. Let's show them that we aren't so easily crushed. Someone WILL stand up to them."

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A letter for James left in a drawer in her bedside table. )


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To: Luke Fitzgerald
From: Sarah Miller

You have (1) new message )

Text message

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To: Matt Russell
From: Phineas Morland

You have one (1) new message. )

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A note left for Jason White on the coffee table. )

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Who: Camelot: James Miller (The man behind the curtain), Betty Peabody (The leader), Jacqueline Legrand, David Roberts, Phineas Morland, Aimee jiang, Maia Fletcher, and Kyle Thomas.
CORE: Sam Victorio, Ana Borodinskii and Elliot Peabody.
What: Attack on CORE. Part one.
When: Friday 2nd April, 11pm.
Where: CORE HQ in San Francisco, California. As well as James being at Camelot HQ, UK.
OOC Info: This is a comms post which means speech and descriptions of sounds only. Private communications between people in the post can be made by changing the subject header in the comment as you would in a journal comment. This is the 'master post' for this event, if you have any pre prepared logs or narratives then please link to them here in the order in which they occur with a note about whether or not comms were on or off so people know if they can react to it and how much. If you have any questions about the format then please IM either myself, Claudie or Heather.
Special note: CORE members being arrested during this block can be heard over the comms but they themselves can only hear who they're talking to. If CORE people want to also communicate on their own comm frequency then feel free!

Jacqueline remained very still until she was given the go ahead from HQ and then there was just a flurry of noise and activity. "We have a go for phase one, I repeat a go for phase one. Take prisoners when you can but don't hesitate when it comes to defending yourself." Then there was the sounds of gunfire and shouted orders at people found in the hallways of CORE's HQ.

Phone Calls - Saturday morning around 1am

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To: Ryan Macintosh
From: Colin Ford

Ring, Ring )

To: Juliet Pierce
From: Colin Ford

Ring, Ring )

Voicemail - Saturday, around 1am

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To: Avery Mason
From: Betty Peabody
Subject: You have 1 New Message )

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Sometime during the worst of the fighting, a female voice comes over the building's loudspeaker system.

“Prohibit the taking of omens, and do away with superstitious doubts. Then, until death itself comes, no calamity need be feared."

The voice pauses for emphasis.

"Darlings? I killed your leader. And now? Calamity and death are coming for you."


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To: Josh Blake
From: Jen Hill
Subject: You have 1 New Message )

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Who: Camelot: James Miller (The man behind the curtain), Michael Collins (The leader), Sarah Miller, Ainsley Kennedy, Laura Meyhew, Owen Murphy, Colin Ford, Krystelle Deroux and Kylee Evans.
CORE: Nicole D'Asselandro and Logan Sullivan
What: Attack on CORE. Part two.
When: Friday 2nd April, 11pm.
Where: CORE HQ in San Francisco, California. As well as James being at Camelot HQ, UK.
OOC Info: This is a comms post which means speech and descriptions of sounds only. Private communications between people in the post can be made by changing the subject header in the comment as you would in a journal comment. This is the 'master post' for this event, if you have any pre prepared logs or narratives then please link to them here in the order in which they occur with a note about whether or not comms were on or off so people know if they can react to it and how much. If you have any questions about the format then please IM either myself, Claudie or Heather.
Special note: CORE members being arrested during this block can be heard over the comms but they themselves can only hear who they're talking to. If CORE people want to also communicate on their own comm frequency then feel free!

They let the first wave take out the majority of the people who happened to be around the first floor and wanted to fight. Their job was to search and retrieve. Anything interesting or anyone who happened to be hanging around and had been missed by the others. Hopefully they'd all get out of it unscathed.

"Okay, guys, let's head on in. Just be careful, okay? I kinda like the body count being higher on their side. Um, y'know, if there has to be one."
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