our true selves.

April 2nd, 2010

our true selves.


April 2nd, 2010

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Who: Betty Peabody, Mina Viresh, Kyle Thomas, Laura Meyhew, Maia Fletcher, Josh Blake (man behind the curtain), plus some nameless Camelots in suits (for arresting purposes). Rowley Langton, Josia Hughes, Valentine Thatcher and Mercedes Palmer (CORE arrestees)
What: Blowing things up and taking prisoners, Comms post.
When: Friday 2nd April, 1pm.
Where: LA Skin strip joint, then a bunch of CORE homes. (Notably- Mercedes Palmer's apartment and then her parent's house in LA, Elliot Peabody's place in San Jose, Sam Victorio's in LA, Rowley Langton in Boston, and Josia Hughes in London.)
OOC Info: This is a comms post which means speech and descriptions of sounds only. Private communications between people in the post can be made by changing the subject header in the comment as you would in a journal comment. This is the 'master post' for this event, if you have any pre prepared logs or narratives then please link to them here in the order in which they occur with a note about whether or not comms were on or off so people know if they can react to it and how much. If you have any questions about the format then please IM either myself, Claudie or Katy. But mostly me as I'll be the only one of the three of us awake through most of this portion. :D
Special note: CORE members being arrested during this block can be heard over the comms but they themselves can only hear who they're talking to. That would be Val, Mercedes, Josia and Rowley. Josia and Rowley are only getting arrested with no 'splosions (unless you guys want 'splosions).

Betty was crouched behind a tree with Maia next to her. Three hours ago she had successfully robbed a bank, three hours later she was exploding shit to high heavens. Robin had never been prouder, she herself felt very much like a renegade. The bug had been planted, her entire team had come here together to see this one through. A Stripper's Revenge, if you will. They all wanted to see it go up in flames. There was on brief pause and then nothing but fire, and Betty sighed in relief before pressing the comm to her lips.

"Alright, everyone, time to jet. We've got a lot of homes to hit here in California, Kyle would you take some suits to London? Laura, our dear friend Rowley's been missing us in Boston. Remember, Hughs and Langton are to be cuffed, no need to set them on fire first, unless you want to smoke them out from the back. Mina, Maia, come with me. Thank god for the MTN, right?"

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Who: Jacqueline Legrand, James Miller, Betty Peabody and Aimee Jiang.
What: Robbing banks Comms post.
When: Friday 2nd April, 10am.
Where: Banks (Jacqueline's offshore, Betty and Aimee are in the USA) and Camelot HQ (James is a computer nerd. Or something).
OOC Info: This is a comms post which means speech and descriptions of sounds only. Private communications between people in the post can be made by changing the subject header in the comment as you would in a journal comment. This is the 'master post' for this event, if you have any pre prepared logs or narratives then please link to them here in the order in which they occur with a note about whether or not comms were on or off so people know if they can react to it and how much. If you have any questions about the format then please IM either myself, Claudie or Heather.

"Hey there, I need to talk to the bank manager about accessing my account. My name's Kathleen Baker. Thank you." The sounds of someone typing on a computer. "Thank you." The sounds of high heels clicking against the floor and a door opening and closing. "Thank you for seeing me on such short notice Mr. Greene. I know it's an imposition but my husband, lying cheating bastard that he is, managed to lose his money doing god only knows what and I want to make sure my little investment here is safe."

After a few minutes talking about various financial options there's a loud bang from outside and the door opens and closes again. "Thank God he's finally gone. I'm in and ready to start working my magic on these computers to transfer funds, how's everyone else?"


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To: Roz Reed
From: David Roberts

You have (1) missed call )


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To: Ainsley Kennedy
From: Morgan Kennedy
Subject: You have 1 New Message )

Duplicate text messages sent Friday night

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To: Leon and Logan Sullivan
From: Betty Peabody
Subject: You have 1 New Message )


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To: Phineas Morland
From: Matt Russell

You have (1) new message. )
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