All Things Original and Slashed

September 2023
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Recently the game [info]rainbosunnydale has changed hands for modship purposes and I’ve made some major overhauls. Rules and regulations have been changed, former inactive players have been dropped and I’m looking for a new crew. I’m still currently working on over-hauling all parts of the comm. And OOC but we in the game are currently looking for new blood.

Plot/Premise: After Sunnydale became a crater, the gang headed off in a big yellow bus for a new destination. After dropping off quite a few of the bus members in a neighboring town the bus returned to LA so that the few remainders of the crew could meet up with Angel and arrange a new living situation. Angel then made a deal with the current members of the crew that they would assist him in keeping up with the creepy crawlies of the night and in turn be put on the Wolferman & Hart payroll, which he now controls. The crew has slowly been growing and keeping an eye on Angels back. However, little do our slayers, Angel or anyone else know, there is a much worse evil yet to be seen and this evil isn’t just going to play with magic and get into fist fights. This is a big bad with smarts and charisma to top off magical aptitude and fighting abilities.

The character’s we’re looking for include but at not limited to: Buffy Summers,
Willow Rosenburg, Xander Harris, Angel (Laim), Dawn Summers, Spike (William the Bloody), Anya/Anyaka Emerson, Cordelia Chase, Fred Burkle, Rupert Giles, Wesley Wyndam-Price, Charles Gunn, Lorne, Darla, Drusilla, Corner, OC slayers, OC witches, OC demons, OC Were(wolves/leopards), OC others, OC humans, OC vampires, OC baddies.

Taken Cannon currently include: Tara MaClay, Faith Lehane and Kennedy

What: A darker storyline Buffyverse based RPG VERY slash friendly with a great deal of flexibility though slash is not required. If you have a character concept you’d like to try we’re willing to talk it over with you.

Where: The Hyperion Hotel, where Angel formerly resided/ generalized LA.
When: Post 7th Season Buffy/Before beginning 5th season Angel.

About the comm.:
Adult focused themes and story lines in a Darker Sl buffyverse with a strong orientation towards slash though Slash is not required. Adult themes can include: gore, horror, sex, abuse, torture and other adult based themes. This game does have over arching plot lines, but no one will be forced into participating in any plot they don’t want to. Threads will be made where there will be a disclaimer that plot is going to happen in that thread, but not what will happen. No character will ever be killed unless permission of the player is obtained first.

*17 years of age or above.
*Characters, unless part of some evil plot, must be at least gay friendly.
*Ability to be in at least one thread per month, per character played.
*Must start threads at least sometimes.
*Restriction to 2 characters to start with. After game progresses you may be allowed to bring in more characters.

The application can be found here:

If you have any further questions please contact me by either leaving a message here or on this journals personal entries.

Please. Thank you and I hope everyone has a good day! ^_^

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triceybabe [userpic]
Obligatory First Post

Just a friendly mod message... I really hope you guys have a good time here. Writing and roleplaying is all about expressing yourself imaginatively, so it should be fun.

Username: [info]triceybabe
Preference: I really don't like rping on gaia. We are restricted and I'd rather not break the rules. I like to original games. Very rare that I will delve into fandom rp's unless its Harry Potter. My preference is many; but my favorite is Modern time/Supernatural or Modern time/Fantasy. I also like Fuedal era/Fantasy. Mostly I like playing humans but love my partner to be something exotic. Like a vampire, or ghost, etc. You get the point. I'll play chan/shota as well.

Any Current RP's You're In: Yep Yep just with one other so you won't have to worry about the times with me. Here's an old unfinished game.

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Questions/Misc.: I'm picky about my partners. I like long, well thought of, games. Let's face it... jumping into a random game ends too quickly and isn't half as satisfying. My partner also have to be grammically correct please. Not perfect, but I'd like to be able to read what you're typing. I beg of it!

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Current Mood: amused
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