Opus Two RPG - February 14th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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February 14th, 2010

[Feb. 14th, 2010|05:56 pm]
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[Mood | cynical]

*Is enjoying another fun day of job (in)security.*

*Answers the phone and answers in the same way for the umpteenth time.*

Good morning, House of the Flower, Becky speaking, how can I help you? No, I'm sorry, he's indisposed. No. Can I take a message? No, indisposed. Mm-hm. Ye-es, indisposed. No, I can't, I'm sorry. No, you can't speak to my superior because I told you already, he's indisposed. thanks you, good-bye.

*Decides to stick on the radio to pass the time until-*

*sighs* Good morning House of the Flower Becky Speaking how can I help you sorry the lord of the house is indisposed can I take a message no all right then thank you good bye.

*Turns on the radio.*
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[Feb. 14th, 2010|09:32 pm]
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[Mood | embarrassed]

*Finds a Vendórë's day card nestled in amongst his mail and knows exactly who it's from before he opens it.*

*Had really hoped his mother would stop doing this after about, oh, when his voice broke but the habit has persisted.*

*Takes a deep breath and accepts the inevitable: He's going to have to phone home.*
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