Opus Two RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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[Jan. 28th, 2011|12:11 am]
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[Mood | uncomfortable]

*Was feeling far, far more relaxed having talked with her surprise!cousin, only to get the silent treatment from her father when she got home.*

*Figured it would be best to let him cool down so went to bed without confronting him but finds she can't help but confront him at the breakfast table when he's glaring at her over his newspaper.*

*Sighs* Would you like some tea?
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[Feb. 14th, 2010|09:32 pm]
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[Mood | embarrassed]

*Finds a Vendórë's day card nestled in amongst his mail and knows exactly who it's from before he opens it.*

*Had really hoped his mother would stop doing this after about, oh, when his voice broke but the habit has persisted.*

*Takes a deep breath and accepts the inevitable: He's going to have to phone home.*
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