Posts Tagged: 'player:+kit'

Aug. 27th, 2016



OOC INTRO; Marlene McKinnon & Remus Lupin


I am Kit. This is Marlene McKinnon. She's hailing from 1981 shortly before the Potters' death and also the moment before her own death and the deaths of her remaining family members. Prior to this, she was in the Order doing badass Order things like collecting information and using all 5'2 of her intimidation. By day, though, she was a journalist for the Daily Prophet (and requests you not hold this against her). She was dating Sirius Black, BFFs with Lily Potter, annnd living with her twin brother Iain who was about to get married in the winter. She's going to be dealing with a lot to begin with so, when she arrives on the 10th of September, she will be primarily popping up in logs rather than being social on the network.

I am also introducing Remus Lupin @ [info]moonrauder! He hails from 1989, on his birthday, and his birthday gift is being reunited with all of his mates. Though, for obvious reasons, that's going to be a bit of a rocky reunion. Before NYC, he'll have been taking lots of odds and ends jobs and barely living paycheck to paycheck, so he'll be pretty scraggly and trying to get on his feet. Eventually, I'm going to have him teaching, once he's able to figure out his ~furry little problem~. SO YEAH. Everyone knows Remus, so if you want more ~infos~ check out his app.

Plots I would love: Family members, other Order people, the rest of Gryffindor '78.

Everyone knows how to reach me, so I think that's all! ♥