Posts Tagged: '%21mod+post'

Sep. 22nd, 2016



[No Subject]

Hey, everyone! I sort of... vanished momentarily. I want to apologize for that. had a very, very, VERY busy week last week and now I have physical things going on, but I'm going to be a more present mod again now. At least when I'm able to move and breathe.

I am extending the September item plot because of my disappearance, through Sept 30. The items that aren't staying will then disappear between Oct 1 - 14. If you didn't get a chance yet, respond with your character and their items here, if you'd like to participate in the plot. Your character doesn't have to post on the Network about it, of course, but keep it in mind as a plot opportunity.

We will be moving into our October plots soon, so review the Plot Calendar for those. I will post a plot OOC post by next week, but right now I'm having trouble being at the computer for prolonged periods of time because my back is messed up.

Have fun, everyone! And tell your friends about us.

Sep. 9th, 2016



The Mod is Mildly Confused

Guys, can you look over the arrival dates since tomorrow is the grand September 10th? Make sure I've got them all right.

  • Peter Pan
  • Lily Potter
  • Sirius Black

Sept 3
  • Marlene McKinnon
  • Peter Rumancek
  • Rose Hathaway (hospitalized)

Sept 10
  • Euphemia Potter
  • Hermione Granger
  • Rose Granger-Weasley
  • Victoire Lupin
  • Roman Godfrey
  • Teddy Lupin
  • James Potter (temporarily detained) w/NPC Baby Harry

Sept 13
  • Remus Lupin (I assumed as much with your hiatus, Kit)