Feb. 27th, 2010


You all should now have invites to [info]oocstock. If you don't - request membership and I'll get you hooked up! Players who got kids through claim coupons you'll have to request membership to [info]thememento and [info]thecoffer....because I'm lazy. Haha. But on that note you may now begin flooding the f-list with intro posts and general plotty goodness!

*edit P.S. Those who've played here before I know you got this bit down, but new folk...PLEASE try to comment to everyone's intro posts!! Even the ones that came a few posts before yours! It makes people feel loved and encourages creative brainstorming. Doubly so if you include wishlists for storylines and the like that people can volunteer to help you get done!

**edit** P.P.S. Also use this post to request for characters to be put at the front of the assignment list. See current wanted list )

Feb. 26th, 2010


You're all a bit unhelpful. So, I've made the executive decision that we're just done with the 2003 stuff. Since...I kind of forgot I was on set all weekend I won't have the time to write stuff tonight for tomorrow. I have a 5am call time. BLEH! BUT yes! YAY 2003! It was fun! The characters were great! And I love you all for participating! Thanks for making volume 1 lots of fun!

That being said I'm PURGING the mod journal of all trio-era journals and adding all of the 1980 journals we have listed. Your trio-era journals will have access to the ooc community until Sunday night. Invites are still being withheld. BUT you can comment to the contact page and add journals and spy and whatnot. Also make sure to check your characters information and let me know if anythings....wrong. Haha.

For a short period any mod-posts (this one included) in [info]oocstock...will be unlocked so that your 1980 journal will have access to watching the comm for updates. I know it seems silly. BUT, there's a reason I'm not going to get into.

FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO RESERVED CHARACTERS & HAVE YET TO SIGN IN. If they're not in by SUNDAY NIGHT. I'm putting the characters back into assignment circulation. That means those holding Ian & Annalise Bones, James Potter, and Sirius Black get your basic sign in done A.S.A.P! Or you'll lose your claim. Sorry. But it's only fair.

K. Let's get this ball rolling!
Modly type.

Feb. 19th, 2010


Okay Folks! SO. In the FAQ's it says that the game would end on something monumental and fun. I, however, forgot about that.... so I don't have any specific plans for the end of the game event. Do you lot have any ideas perhaps? Ideally it'd be awesome if it were one last MASS THREAD sort of deal so everyone can play as they wish. However, it's not necessary. And if you guys don't want to do anything special that's cool too! Just let me know!

Also: The Mixtape thing should be done sometime before we do the switch. So lets shoot to have all the music in by February 26th!

Feb. 10th, 2010


QUICK! List some trio era surnames you'd like to see in the MWPP lists. There's so many trio era characters to pick from I'm going to make sure we have a speckling of lesser known trio-kid's parents available for play just for kicks. I've already got the surnames canonically linked to Voldie (ie. malfoy, goyle, crabbe, nott), the order (ie. potter, weasley, bones), and the ministry (ie. edgecombe). So, yes, shoot 'em my way!

April 2010



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