Jan. 29th, 2010


Continuing the trend

I'm very sorry about this. Tracey and Simon have been been seriously under-played and I think I should really leave them to someone else to play. I will most likely come back for another round later, when I'm able to devote enough time to the game. Right now is definitely not that time.

Again, I'm very sorry. If any of you want to contact me to chat, please feel free to do so.



So I've been pretty MIA. I know this and I don't like it. Between all my other RPs and school starting up, I've been pretty inconsistent. I've other things that are taking priority and I've been a pretty awful RPer.

That being said, I think I'm going to drop my kids from this round. I LOVE this game and I will be back for March 1st - but for now, I've got to drop out or I'm going to implode with busy-ness.

So! I'll be back.

But just not now. ♥

-Daria (Pansy, Gabe, Percy)

Jan. 25th, 2010


I apologize for disappearing! Semester started, then work, and then my roommate/co-worker's stepdad died just last weekend, so I've had to take on his shifts along with mine.

I enjoyed Ron for the very, very short time I played with him, but things are just incredibly busy right now. :[ Letting him go for now, but maybe I'll see some of you in other games at another time?

- McKenzie (~teacupped)

April 2010



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