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[13 Oct 2015|05:44pm]

So I'm back and I think I've caught up! If I've missed something, please let me know.

(Alex, Megan, Neville)
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Lalala - Gryffindor's UNITE! [12 Oct 2015|10:29pm]

This is Seamus Finnigan. He likes food, drink, explosions, and family. And for the record if you were in the DA in the 97-98 school year or lived in the ROR during that time... you're family. Get used to it.

Things to know about him would include, after school he was a bit of a mess and you likely knew it if you stayed in touch. In 2000 he trained to be a hitwizard but quit after 9 months -- because eff that shit! He wanted to discover truths not fill out bureaucracy paperwork!! In 2003 he and his younger brother Desmond (age 23 - you should play him) opened the Zorro Loco Detective Agency. They specialize in both missing items and missing persons cases. Ultimately, the Finnigan's have made something of a name for themselves helping locate what the Ministry has deemed, "unfindable" or "missing indefinitely." Some chalk it up to the fact that Finnigan's don't have a particular code of conduct like the Ministry.

The Finnigans chalk it up to the fact that they just do the fuckin' job, mate! No matter the cost of ones legal integrity.

He travels a great deal for work. Has been out of country for 6months in South America on a case... so I'll be plotting him back into the wizarding world in the next few days/weeks/etc. I've rambled out what I could of his relationship sheet based on both general assumption and previous conversations. I'm still missing a number of the kids! So hit me uppp with all the things.
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[10 Oct 2015|12:12pm]

Add me to the list of gone-for-the-weekends! I'll be back Monday afternoon or evening or something along those lines, and probably won't have service while I'm gone.

- Emily, with Meaghan, Dean, Verity and Marietta
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[09 Oct 2015|05:53pm]

Hey guys
! Finally starting to feel human again !!! I'm here, on tablet for now will dig put laptop later but if you need me, Astoria(please!!! I'm lost with her since all possible plot dropped game 😩), Lavender or Theodore let me know! AIM: thepineappleprincess , email: birdmomma82@gmail.com I am here and ready to rock this! Or, yanno, this thread is also a way to reach me 😁
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[09 Oct 2015|04:39pm]

Heads up! I'm heading out of town this weekend to visit my grandparents, so I will be without net access, as they have no computer and I have no smartphone.

I'll be back sometime Monday, but I'll be AWOL until then.

Have a good weekend, guys!

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[05 Oct 2015|08:05pm]

Yay hooray Marietta is done! Who wants to be arrested?

Heh. Well, if anyone has anything to say about playing with her that they didn't say in the [info]plotb post I'd love to talk it over! I haven't actually changed her much since then, but, y'know, stuff.

And of course if you're interested in playing a dude that's connected with her, she has two brothers (one also a hitwizard) and a cousin (Jimmy Peakes) who I'd love to see.

(Hi, this is Em.)
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Divine Eye Grand Opening [04 Oct 2015|04:52pm]

Okay, I was going to throw up an IC thread, but I think this might be a better/easier way to go.

Who all attended the Grand Opening of The Divine Eye this weekend?

Parvati would've been there the whole time, smiling hard. It was just her from 9am to 8pm Saturday and Sunday, so certainly by the end of those long days, she was feeling very achey and tired and sore. Still, she would've tried hard to keep up her facade of cheer, mystery, and mysticism at all times! Also, she was offering a "buy one get one" special all weekend, so I imagine she was busy-ish.

Did anyone come see her? If yes, let me know which service they got (palm reading, tea leaf reading, crystal ball session, or card reading) and what you want her to have Seen. Otherwise, I will make vague wishy-washy crap up in response.
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Brooms for Tots [04 Oct 2015|05:40am]

Heya! If you're kids participating in the Brooms for Tots events let me know some of the following fun things so I can write up a commentary post thing. See here for rosters. And here for necessary past playerness.

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[03 Oct 2015|08:13am]

Have you ever found an internet famous person who is really good at their job and bahm!!!! A character springs to mind? This is what's happened to me... 😣 not a real celeb, internet famous people are usually frowned upon in games as a PB... But this guy is frakking amazing at this job.

'Scuse me while I go watch him make amazing coffees because he's a barista...

Yeah sorry had to ramble. First time I saw him o was like Hot Damn!!!! Now I'm sick, hung over, and heavily medicated because of said sick... I are prone to ramble ☕☕☕☕
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[02 Oct 2015|08:48am]

I am around! The past two weeks of work have been insane and brain numbing. Now, thankfully, everything will be calming down just a little so I can be around much more often. Especially since Tracey will be sending out invites to everyone for the QoH anniversary bash that will be happening in a week and some change.

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[29 Sep 2015|04:34pm]

Heads up, guys: Megan Jones is a thing now. She's pretty much as I described her in the plotting community: Justice-dispensing hitwizard with a temper and an attitude. I've got some connections (and I will reply to everyone I zoned out on yesterday, too), but she obviously needs more. She needs friends - she tends to get along better with guys because she can be kind of a snarky bitch who doesn't know when to shut up.

Other stuff to know: not an original DA member because big mouth doesn't equal trustworthy to too many people, but she was part of the reformed DA/resistance because said big mouth forced her to go into hiding during seventh year. And there was no way she was hanging out in the room of requirement doing nothing. Also, Harry's sort-of, unofficial ex-partner: He'd sneak over to the hitwizard side to do some actual work, and Megan was all about that. Although then they got caught.

I am up for all sorts of hilarity. She doesn't really do boyfriends because she's not all that romantic, but she's definitely the girl you invite over to watch the game and is probably shouting louder at the telly than the guys. She's also not opposed to friends with benefits arrangements, past or present.

Seriously, hit me up.
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[25 Sep 2015|02:44pm]


So.... I'm back from my adventures in Portugal and than had some serious computer issues which took a while to figure out but now I'm back and trying hard to catch up and I'm really overwhelmed.

BUT I am alive and I'm here!

As a reminder I've got:

Katie Bell - Puddlemere Chaser - Gryffindor 97 - Bubbly, friendly, outgoing, really a sweetheart who wants to be friends with everyone. May or maynot have a massive crush on Harry Potter in which she wont admit to.... [info]kpbell

January Dorny - Socialite - Hufflepuff 95 - Acts like the sweetest and kindest person EVER but she's actually kind of a bitch and secretly doesn't like many people. This is not a side many people see. She's from a really messed up family where she has tons of half-slibings due to her father but she's the only one from her mother. [info]iplanparties

Phoebe Montgomery - Montgomery & Higgs Talent Agency -Director of Operations - Slytherin '96 - It looks like she lost her other sister? She's a romantic at heart and doesn't take part in ZC like her sibling(s?) do. She's in need of plot [info]pmont

Audrey Spinnet - Auror Protection Detail - Ravenclaw 94 - Loves bad jokes, strong willed, protective of her sisters and wants the world to be okay. [info]curiouslyfeisty
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Brooms for Tots Event! [24 Sep 2015|11:14pm]

Originally, I was going to do a whole big fancy spread in some tabloid for this. But I'm a little bogged down with RL work things. But here's information things!!!

Assume this was delivered FRIDAY morning to all people/press/etc. For those participating this was delivered in some sort of fancy packet with game rules, information, etc. Also assume that the teams and players were listed in a number of media outlets via print, WiVi sports shows, and WWN talk shows. Feel free to assume said media outlets have also reached out to players listed for interviews and press events.

Teams are asked to come up with their own team names/colours/practice schedule/etc. Each team has been given a budget for team robes. Brooms for Tot's will also be providing pads and professional brooms to those who need them. Players will have had to send word that they'd need equipment/gear and within a few hours would have been sent a Firebolt 6000 - the shiniest broom on the market. Yay sponsors!

If any specific information is missing from this listing let me know. Also, refer to this post for additional information on other players on your team! Original Invite

Brooms for Tots Schedule & Rosters )

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New kidlette [20 Sep 2015|05:01pm]

Oh Hi! Because I felt we needed more violent shenanigans in game.... this is Edmund "Eddie" Bulstrode ([info]willkill) - older sibling to Francis Bulstrode ([info]franklyb) and canon (you should play her) Millicent Bulstrode. He's a former Ravenclaw class of '1988. In school he spent most of his time either alone writing spells, bothering his sisters, or challenging people to duels/fist fights/wrestling matches. He and his sister Frankie also made a habit of bullying people where appropriate.

After school he pursued Professional Dueling - so you may know of him if you follow that sport. He eventually got banned from the sport after violently crippling Ignatius Shacklebolt (Kingsley Shacklebolt's brother) in a pub brawl. He started working with the ZC in 1994 and under oath to them gathered intel as a DE in Voldemort's cute little army. The ZC made any record of his involvement null.

Currently he works part time security at The Queen of Hearts and moonlights as Assassin/Dirty Work duty for the ZC. He's abrasive, violent, and unafraid of authority. Auror types should certainly contact me to discuss potential justice plots!

I'm also currently tinkering with finalizing his Achievements list in regards to who he's maimed and/or murdered. Current people on his list include; Fred Weasley, Ernie MacMillan, Ian Spinnet, etc. Though I can take those down if that's a problem - no worries. But yes, if you have relatives/characters who need a murderer - let us know!
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[19 Sep 2015|08:28am]

Can I just say I have had a week from hell? Well, hell for me. That means lots of time spent around people... in public... catty mothers at girl scouts twice this week *sigh*, school functions and dr. appointments. All of which keep me pretty much... useless when it comes to doing anything creative. Next week I get to deal with catty mothers at boy scouts! woo!!!! /sarcasm. Anyway, I'm around. So fricken tired right now. But, I owe tags and other things. So, we will see what the weekend holds in store for me. Anyone still around? The game's been kinda low this week. =/
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[15 Sep 2015|10:40am]

Guys! Last day for characters to respond to thissss!!!

Brooms for Tots Invites
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[09 Sep 2015|04:57pm]

Hello hello hello! I am back. Again. I play to be for a while because I've had enough disasters for a while. (And if we're following the rules of three, I should be set since I've just gotten through number three.)

SO. I need to get EVERYONE back in action. This means if anyone has been wanting anything with Neville, Gabrielle, Kenneth, or Alex, please feel free to poke me! (Please feel free to poke me about stuff I've forgotten, too.)

I'll start putting up some random stuff, but seriously, poke the HECK out of me. I'll be poking a few people myself once I get my gears aligned.
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[09 Sep 2015|09:25am]

hello friends ! despite attempted assassinations vis-a-vie start of term + ongoing war with my bigoted poli-sci professor I r returned

love me?
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Attn: People with brooms [08 Sep 2015|12:23pm]


Brooms for Tots Invites

Hey! Just so it's reposted in yer feed - need to know what characters are participating in the Brooms for Tots thing! The RSVP deadline is the 15th! Just have 'em send a return owl all official like pleeaasseee...

Again - it's open to ALL former Hogwarts quidditch players! Huzzaah! And even if your character isn't participating please fill this survey out for tabloid fodder to come.
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i wanna be sedated [06 Sep 2015|08:46pm]

Actually, I want to be less sedated. For those following along at home, I have health issues >.< They recently put me on a different medication that has had me HALF DEAD and I have been trying to get them to switch it up. I know that I am behind, probably owe a couple of tags, etc. This may be a constant problem off/on until I see my actual pain management specialist on the 6th of October, though I sure hope not. Anyway, I will be spending tomorrow catching up and hitting tags. If I owe you (Verity & Astoria esp.) a tag, I promise that I'll get to it. <3 you and thank you for staying tuned.
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