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a friend removal button. [03 Feb 2016|11:44am]

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It's time to say adieu! [02 Feb 2016|07:29pm]

Guys.... I'm thinking... this place is... at it's end. :(

I don't really have time to mod at the moment now that video production season is starting back up. And I know that a lot of people have drifted into other games that are more active with plot driven activity. Which I think is where I'll be able to assert my rp-time... someplace where other people are running the show. lol Cause, lets face it, I've failed as a replacement semi-mod type. Wahwah. BUT I've truly loved playing with everyone here and the characters have been so well written and awesome!

I would LOVE to keep in contact with everyone still poking around! I'm [info]eckcooties ala cdj things. My email is eckcooties@gmail.com. I'm also playing at [info]quidditch_mods (Teresa Spinks & Miles Bletchley - let me know if you're interested I can get you an invite) and [info]wickedmods (Tanesha Jordan) - if you were looking to link up for more writing and things! I'd also be down for talking psl's if anyone wanted to carry on any line that was kind of happening in this game.

But yes, until we meet again! I love you all,
- Amber
(Alicia Spinnet, Seamus Finnigan, Gale Rosier, and Elladora Guffy)
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More Plots?? [17 Jan 2016|06:01pm]

Hi all!

So I also disappeared for a bit there again. New school term, busy job, life, etc. I am a bit all over the place sometimes, I know. But yay writing ftw, so so so, I have some thoughts/wants if anyone will put up with my sometimes here-and-there-ness.

Plots? )

Just some thoughts! Any takers?
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[07 Jan 2016|09:30am]

Sorry about disappearing again. The new year as a Hella crazy weekend. In-laws, colds, and this week has just started to wind down. Still have dental appts and pinewood derby stuff to do with the kidlets but I'm back and so ready to get back into the game. Who's up for anything at all with my three?
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[01 Jan 2016|09:19pm]

Aaand I disappeared again, but the holidays are over and I hope that will truly be the last time.

Going through the stuff I missed; looks like a lot of presents. Iiii will probably not figure out my kids' stuff; just assume the appropriate people got something. (Feel free to bug me if there's possible hilarity gifts to be figured out, though.)
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[23 Dec 2015|05:20pm]

Anyone interested in a thread of some sort with Katie? I'm feeling in the mood for threads.
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[23 Dec 2015|09:52am]

So! I mentioned before somewhere that Parvati might be interested in taking care of Wesley Bones. I'm not sure who all is involved in that plot now with Susan dead. Woe!

But maybe for the sake of easiness and plotting, I will say that it probably doesn't make a huge amount of sense for Wes to go to Parvati after all. She'd be willing, but isn't actively looking to adopt, wasn't super close with the Bones family, and has some of her own issues, so she probably wouldn't be anyone's first choice caregiver anyway. :)

So! Holiday plots!

I will throw both Parvati and Miles into the Rosier party thread somewhere (any requests?), and also will tag the Parvati threads that are almost done. But does anyone else have anything they want with Parvati Patio or Miles Bletchley? I'm still getting the hang of Miles, but would love to try him on a little more...

Happy holidays all!
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[17 Dec 2015|12:14pm]

Hey-o! Sorry all I know I owe tags foran Astpra and a Theo tag. I'll get to them, I'm hoping g tomorrow. I can't get rid of whatever cold I have and its getting to the point coughing wont stop. Trying to sleep. Ergh. And meh. Anyway just wanted to let you know I havent forgotten. I'm here just... Not well
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[13 Dec 2015|04:22pm]

So, made it through the funeral and spent a little time with Grandma before heading back. What sounds good now is distraction, so: Alex, George, Megan, Neville. Plot with me and help me get somewhat back to normal?
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[09 Dec 2015|02:07pm]

So, I'm making myself a Christmas present this year among the several others I'm working on... And since this is a Harry Potter game, I wanted to share with those who'd understand....

click! )
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HI! [06 Dec 2015|02:03pm]

Guys!! I've missed you all so much! I should be around more now though. I'm going to go back and find all the threads I owe people tags to throughout the day tomorrow. But let me know what plots/connections/etc we should chat about in terms of any off screen "advances" and "details" from the last few weeks....to catch up to current time...because I suck.

I have Alicia Spinnet, Gale Rosier, Seamus Finnigan, Susan Bones, Edmund Bulstrode and Elladora Guffy-Goldstein. Lets do stufff!!
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[01 Dec 2015|04:20pm]


Here's my "I've been ridiculously busy" post too. Apparently, getting a new puppy sucks your life and you end up being constantly busy. Anyway! I am around again, and would like to jump back in. I'm thinking of posting up a thread every week or so for the Queen.

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[28 Nov 2015|11:40am]

Really sorry all -- Work has exploded at the same time as end of term school stuff is upon me. I could have handled one or the other and still been around, but when it rains it pours.

My apologies. It looks like a lot of people are busy right now!

Anyone want to do a thread or something with Parvati, with the understanding that it's a busy time right now and we might be slow to tag? I'd love to have a bit of creative outlet even with things being busy right now.
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[21 Nov 2015|08:27pm]

I'm sorry I haven't been around! It's been one crazy week and bound to get crazier over the next few weeks. Physical therapy for knee, back and Thanksgiving break from school. It's insane! But, yes, I'm still here.
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[12 Nov 2015|09:17pm]

I know we are to the point we're having g activity issues. Right now, I'm unable to get on and play. I'm hoping this weekend will be different! But, that's besides the point. Have you ever had that one person that whenever you see them you want to use them as a PB but never got around to it? I still want to use Dritan as a kick ass barista but he has nothing on Oded Fehr! Omg that guy!!!! I want to use him as a ZC character. Anyone have ideas?
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[10 Nov 2015|07:20pm]

OMG OK HI. I am still alive. I've had so much craziness going on in real life and, in turn, rp life. But mostly real life craziness. I fell down a bunch of stairs the other day, sprained my ankle, I work at a college and registration is INSANE, and about ten other things. But I am focusing finally.

I am here, I am trying to catch up, I would love to play and mingle and text and thread and anything. My apologies for being MIA, I think I've calmed some things down (or started to not give so many fucks).

Let me know! Or email me at rhymeschream @ gmail.

- Matty/Jules/Justin/Leanne
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[09 Nov 2015|06:08pm]

Sorry guys! I have felt like death for the past week or so. (Think I caught something from my mom when she visited.) I am now recovering and will no longer be AWOL.

(Alex, George, Megan, Neville)
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[01 Nov 2015|11:56pm]

Was Halloween weirdly involved for everyone else?! I fell off the face of rp land. But I'm around now. Lets plot things!! Hit me up if there's anything specific you'd like any of my brats to do to move specific plots along. I'm making a list. But if there's specific ones you're waiting on me for I'll put it at the top!

- Amber
(Alicia, Susan, Seamus, Gale, Ella, Ed)
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Laziest intro ever [27 Oct 2015|05:10pm]

So, have a drunkard Weasley. He's fun.

(Hit me up! It's George!)
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[15 Oct 2015|11:50pm]

Hey everybody, it's Mariah! Sadly, my laptop has pretty much freaked out on me so I'm probably going to be completely absent until it gets fixed or I get a new one. It should hopefully only be a week, but until then, Anthony and Frankie are going to be on something of a hiatus!
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