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outside the burrow (player communications)

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[03 Sep 2015|11:43pm]

Hey guys. So, my grandmother ended up in the hospital and it took me a bit longer to make sure things were okay and not panic about it than I thought it would. (She had a minor stroke, so there were several days of panicking involved.) But she's out of the hospital and expected to recover, so I'm less edgy now.

But I'm not quite back in action yet because I have plans out of state for Labor Day weekend. I will have Internet, but I will mostly be hanging out with people I haven't seen in more than two years, so I wouldn't expect a ton out of me this weekend.

Barring any more disasters, though, I'll be fully back Tuesday.

(Gabby, Alex, Neville, Kenneth)
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Survived! [01 Sep 2015|01:03pm]

I've returned! I'm going to start bugging people with posts and things. Let me know if you feel you should have anything in particular you want to accomplish first!

- Amber (Gale, Alicia, Susan, Ella, Philip)
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[01 Sep 2015|08:20am]

Hey all! I am heading to Portugal today until the 18th! I'll be pretty much MIA if you need me send off an email that's the best way to find me!

I'll try and check in some, but I wont have my computer with me partly because the logic board is starting to die, partly because I'll be on a kayak for 10 days and yeah don't think the computer needs to go swimming!

~ Maxi
Katie Bell, Audrey Spinnet, January Dorny, Phoebe Montgomery
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[01 Sep 2015|08:44am]

I have not deserted you! I promise. Last week we had 8 crazy days of birthdays here in the Birdie household. My kidlets are now a year older 😀 this is their last week before school starts back up. So we are in mass prep mode. Laundry needs to be finished, school bags packed, today and tomorrow are meet and greet with the teachers and yeah we are Hella busy up in this house. I will get to tags soon. Kids come first. 😄
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[27 Aug 2015|01:33pm]

Guys, I'm on AIM now o_O Shit's cray! Find me at dearcalliope! <3
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[24 Aug 2015|10:02pm]

errmahgerd! it's done! i have no idea if the history makes sense, i'm SO TIRED. but! here's michael's full profile and it's so pretty! :D i love it. anyway, more to come! <3
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howdy! [23 Aug 2015|10:53pm]

Hi errbody! I'm Kate, this is Michael, I'm SO freaking stoked to be here. I haven't been in a game in ages and it feels great. You can find a shitload of info on Mr. Corner here. I'm not quite done with it, but read what's there if you like! Basically just need to finish up his history/personality sections. I forgot how fucked up his last year at Hogwarts was. Poor bloke :/

Anyway! I've already got some juicy plot going with Ginny. Probably should chat about Dean, Nev, Ron (and other various Weasleys?), Cho, Anthony, and other DA peeps. Basically if you wanna plot hit me up with a comment! Let's do this! \m/

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[23 Aug 2015|08:30am]

Hey guys! Just wanted to apologize for my flakiness over the past week; work had me in its clutches, I was out of town for a bit, and I only just now got a free day. Once I catch up on some much-needed sleep, I'm going to tag more things than a little kid playing Capture the Flag. :]

- Cindy / Viktor & Daphne
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Antonio "Anthony" Goldstein [21 Aug 2015|02:38pm]

Hello, All! I'm Mariah, and this here is my child Anthony Goldstein (aka Antonio depending on where you're looking)!

Twenty-five years old, this ex-Ravenclaw is a goof with a few bad personality quirks that can be overlooked if you don't mind some useless and occasionally weird gossip (not that he considers it gossip; just friendly sharing).

An unemployed actor, he had his short (so very, very short) moment in the limelight playing none other than Harry Potter in AVPM. Despite it's cult-like fan-base, Anthony hasn't had a steady job since and is quickly running out of money(but don't tell that to Jackie! He really doesn't want to accept anymore charity from his big brother). Currently, he is looking for more opportunities to showcase himself in musical theater, but honestly, he'd probably accept just about any job offered right now. Also, rent is due soon; anyone interested in buying a dreidel or ten? Fifteen sickles each!

The only cemented connections he has right now are the ones with his family, and I'm open to pretty much anything except romantic relationships - he's really not interested! Old classmates, Roommates, Co-workers, Friends, Not-so-Friends, anything!
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Addiction [21 Aug 2015|01:59am]

Alright, this is Amber.... I want to talk about my addiction.... to having more characters than I probably need. Okay no. I just want to talk about ALL THE PLOTS!! I picked up two new kiddlets.

Elladora Guffy-Goldstein ([info]guffygold) is the lead Healer at Magical Seed via Fawley & Associates. A facility for all your fertility and women's health needs! She is married to Jackie Goldstein and the sister-mother of Julie and Anthony Goldstein. She's one of Alex Higg's mates/ex-girlfriends, and Verity Babbage's cousin! Huzzah! She's pretty goofy, loves to take care of people, will dance at random opportunities to her own bad beat boxing, and yes... she will likely prank you if you get into her good graces. She's particularly fond of making coffee mugs lick your palm and animating lawn furniture for any of her neighbors. She was a Hufflepuff class of 88. So hit me up with all the fun "grown up" plots you may require her for.

Susan Bones ([info]unsplinched) works as an Obliviator with skills in interrogation. So any Law Enforcement types - she probably knows who you is. She's likely probably going to transition to a different position inside the Obliviator Headquarters soon becaue pregnant women interrogating people using occulumency/legilimency probably isn't wise. She is currently 5months pregnant by an anonymous sperm donor - and yes it was her decision - and yes she is single. She's friendly for the most part - but prone to rolling her eyes behind your back. She's vocal politically because obviously the death of an entire family doesn't remove that from your character. And yes she did kill someone at BOH ... maybe it was your relative. She's mates with Hannah, Justin and Zacharias (he doesn't have a choice, btw). She is also Kenneth Towler's cousin! And a random vegas weekend-fling of Roger Davies. Hufflepuff class of 98! And former DA members unite!

Looking for all the plots/connections/etc. Both ladies are pretty friendly so let's get things goin'! (Aim: Eckcootes | email: eckcooties@gmail.com)
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Like a Boss [18 Aug 2015|08:04pm]

Heyo! I am Alex, and this lovely lady right here is Tracey Davis. All of her info can be found here.

Tracey was known as a snake who stuck fairly close to her own back in school. Now, she's a successful business owner and a very successful Madam. Yes, you read that one right. Tracey decided to open her own live music club a few years ago. Instead of marrying and having kids, the club became her one true love. Thankfully, it worked out. And thankfully, a few people that frequented the club and some of her staff asked if she knew a way they could earn a little extra money. Always the opportunist, Tracey decided to help them out. The Queen of Hearts fronts (well, doubles really) as a very secretive brothel for the rich and powerful. Or at least those who can pay the right price and pass a very intense screening.

Long story short, Trace needs all the connections. Patrons to her club, those few that are seeking companionship for a price, employees, friends, everything!

I'm so looking forward to playing with all of you!

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[18 Aug 2015|09:32pm]

Hey there all my party people! Laurie here with my absolute last character =) Miss Astoria Greengrass. Has no job, unless you call pushing herself into the social circles of those older than her. That's some hard work yo! Especially when it comes to helping with upperclass social events. She's very social and enjoys herself. When she's not chilling with old(er) women, she's chilling at Queen of Hearts. Don't know what that is? You will soon. *cue intro for Tracey*

What does she do there? Well, she shakes her tail feathers on the dance floor. That's what she does. And on those days full of down time? Or whenever everyone she knows is working or doing their own things *sigh*youneedtospendtimewithme!*sigh* she's baking goodies for fun or making dinner for her parents. Those dinners also include Daphne and the fiance whenever they want. =D And whenever she gets bored, she'll be pestering any and all conversations she can find to pester.

So! Plots! Connections! Friends, frienemies, enemies, whatever! GIVE ME YOUR PLOTTAGE!
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[18 Aug 2015|05:57pm]

RIGHT, SO. Back again. Does this still go here? Or should it be in plot? Um, he's new, so I'm keeping it OOC for now. I will move if required!

This is Alexander Higgs. He's 35. (JENN, I MISCALCULATED HIS AGE, I'M SORRY. HIS BIRTHDAY'S IN DECEMBER.) He's a Ravenclaw, class of 1988. He's very recently become The Daily Prophet's editor in chief; the story is they've gone through a few since the war and wanted someone young and dedicated to take the reins (and 35 is young for a big paper's editor in chief). And Alex is Dedicated. He is married to his work. Just ask his ex-girlfriend.

Generally speaking, he's brilliant but just sliiiightly obsessive. He started out as a beat reporter and has worked his way up; before this, he was the news editor. He has a love-hate affair with the publisher and his audience: He desperately wants to make the Prophet into a paragon of journalism and hard-hitting news, buuuut sales show that his publisher and audience love the scandalous, dramatic stuff. He's working on balancing the stuff. (Just please don't get him started on Rita Skeeter.)

He's also January Dorny's older half-brother and Terence Higg's cousin. Alicia Spinnet's boss (and anyone else associated with the Prophet). And other than that, I need ALL THE CONNECTIONS. (Also to plot more with January, Terence, Meaghan, and Alicia. THANKS.)

And feel free to bug me about Neville, Gabby, and Kenneth! I will be getting to outstanding replies very very shortly.
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[18 Aug 2015|01:00pm]

Hey all! I'm finally on lunch break homg, so I can post this. It's Cindy (Viktor Krum) with my latest, DAPHNE GREENGRASS / [info]feuille. Her stuff is here if you wanna take a looksee!

☆ Slytherin class of 1998, you know. That crew.

☆ Researcher in the Theoretical Astronomy Department of CERM; divides time between UK and the Switzerland for werk. She does a lot of theoretical research in the nuclear decay & fission of magical matter, as well as the intersection of particle physics and magic. Shit like spectroscopy and radiation gets her good. She's, um, a female Oppenheimer, from the intense interest in the nuclear & quantum sciences to the ridiculous chain smoking habit to the reclusive periods of research. Mad scientist? Probs.

☆ Pureblooded; daughter of Gifford Greengrass, a brilliant children's author (whose books like Mean Mr. Manticore and Nina and the Noxious Nectarine are often found on the bookshelves of wizarding families) known for his weirdly dark humor but also privately problematic when it came to politics, but shhh. Her mother is an art curator who recently relapsed from a long-standing potions addiction. Daph takes after her dad more, but mosdef gets along with her madre the best.

☆ Personality wise! A composed and sophisticated smooth operator due to those years of pedigreed upbringing, but with a very off-kilter slant and a streak of dark and politically incorrect humor to her (ty, daddy dearest). She can hold her own in most social settings and appreciates having close-knit groups, but she very frequently oscillates between that and periods of self-containment towards her pursuits, be it sleeping in her lab, subsisting on a diet of coffee and cigarettes, falling off the face of the earth. Very Jekyll-and-Hyde, p. much.

☆ Outside of work, she enjoys playing the violin and piano (having been classically trained since babyhood), stargazing (lawl), and fashion.

☆ CONNECTIONS: Engaged to Phillip Greengrass! Sister to Astoria! CERM bros! Slytherpals! Possible ZC connections? I'LL GIVE YE LINES.
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new community [18 Aug 2015|02:37pm]

Hey everyone. All current characters should have invites waiting for them for [info]plotb, a new community for the game. An explanation of this community can be found here. Check it out!
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[17 Aug 2015|07:28pm]

I AM BACK. I know, everyone missed me, right? (Feel free to lie.)

Anyway, my head's all better and the eye strain is gone, so I can be back on the computer (probably to develop it again). I owe people some posts and I will get on those, although possibly not until tomorrow, since I still need dinner and it's like 8 o'clock. (Which I guess technically means I'm back tomorrow? Premature celebration, perhaps.)

BUT I AM DEFINITELY POSTING STUFF TOMORROW because I don't have to stay late at work or run errands or anything of the sort.

(Neville, Gabrielle, Kenneth)
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[17 Aug 2015|08:09am]

Hi guys, Matty here. I fell off the face of the internet pretty literally this week/weekend. I had family vacation and then camping, so I am finally on dry ground where I don't need to wear a bathing suit and can finally sleep in my own bed and snuggle my computer. So... I'm back!

Leanne [info]portfoleanne has been running around as usual and Justin [info]flnchley has been sewing up booboos as usual, but they're ready to go. They'd love to be bothered.

I was also wondering if anyone had a hankering for a new boy, Leanne's brother is Adrian Pucey and we should chaaaaaaat. I always kinda felt like there was a little tension with purity thing that he got a bit more pressure for being the first child and only male. BUT chatting is fun. I have him as a reserve Quidditch player in her info, but that is completely changeable.

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[13 Aug 2015|06:37am]

Hey guys, just a heads up: I'm dealing with some eye strain and can't spend too much time on the computer right now. (Especially since I can't avoid them for work.) I'll be back around once that clears up; hopefully after this weekend when I don't HAVE to be on a computer and can let my eyes rest a bit.

-Aimee (Neville, Gabby, Kenneth)
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Three's a party! [10 Aug 2015|03:39pm]

Hey hey hey! Amber with kid number 3. This is Phillip Montgomery, oldest brother to Perseophne and Phoebe Montgomery. He's a 1996 Ravenclaw. Current healer in the Creature Induced Injuries ward at St. Mungos. He's a friendly sort, as non confrontational as it gets, but if for whatever reason someone pushes his buttons the right way they can get a rage induced sometimes violent reaction. (Bio)

As of right now I have him engaged to Daphne Greengrass (who someone should play!! Details minimal presently) and plays nicely with purist/upper class types. But he's not opposed to mingling with normal people as well - his purist mindset is broken as it doesn't completely make sense in his head. He also moonlights for the ZC as their house call healer and has been doing so since 2003. He's a very gentle and intelligent sort of person, but he's pretty blind to should's and should not's when it comes to protecting himself. So, if anyone asks why he helps the evil-doers... he'll just say "they're hurt I can fix it. Plus, the extra money is worth it."

Would love to touch base with the sisters, Pansy, Draco, Theo, and possibly Finch-Fletchley? Maybe also Bill and Lavender for patient/healer stuff maybe? And anyone else who has anything that may need filling! I have in his timeline that he dated someone in his 4th-6th year so that lines open. Also, a best mate from school would be awesome. Or a rival of some kind? Ramble at me!
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[10 Aug 2015|12:40pm]

Hey there, Laurie here bringing in this scruffy looking nerfherder guy. Who is he? Well he's none other than Theodore Nott. Unlike other former Slytherin alumn, Theo leads a rather quiet life. Its pretty much just him, his daughter, and those patrons that walk into the Phoenix Ashes bookstore. There you will find Theo fast at work repairing old tomes, selling books, and taking orders to hunt down those rare and exclusive books both Muggle and Wizard that are needed to complete a collection. There's more to him than just that. Like he's a former step-brother to Hannah Abbott, the other step-mother is not in game yet so I'll hold off on explain that fugged up shite until she gets in game. =)

So, yes need all the plots for Mr. Nott here and his little little girl, Corvissa. His blurb and all can be found here. I have just the blurb and history up for now, until I work out all the history and stuff with other players, so yeah plots! Give them to me!
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