February 6th, 2016

[info]troublenstrife in [info]ooc_labyrinth

Hello everyone!

So, this is just kind of an FYI thing. Jenn and I have been talking about Enyo and Eris, about their history and how a lot of stories make them the same person (but just as many separate them). We decided to make that work for us.

We decided that these two lovely ladies were born twins, and identical ones at that. Sometimes people didn't know who they were looking at, sometimes they thought it was one when it was the other, and still others (not the gods) thought there was only one of them. Eris has had a lot of fun with the confusion in the past, I have no doubt.

Discord does like to change her face quite frequently compared to most of the other gods, so inevitably they don't look the same anymore. They're still twins deep down though, and I can tell you that as far as Eris is concerned, any offence or slight to Enyo may as well be made against herself. That said, I also have no doubt that Eris and Enyo have come to blows on many occasions as well. They're not exactly calm and serene goddesses.

This shouldn't affect anyone else, but if it's a problem or you need to talk something out with one of us, please do!