June 27th, 2015

[info]_dionysus in [info]ooc_labyrinth

We wanted to do a quick post about the reflection of real world events in game, or rather the lack thereof.

When the game was started, there were a lot of natural disasters occurring all over the world. There still are. We discussed whether we should related such happenings to the game; fold them in as part of the consequences of the gods disappearing, and ultimately, it was decided that rather than reference any events happening outside the game, we would stick to fictional references.

With the Supreme Court's decision today, it's a cause for celebration not just for so many in the United States, but around the world. The coverage in DC has been joyous and unrestrained, and it's fantastic to watch that unfold. That Anteros would want to celebrate the decision is no surprise.

However, moving forward, please keep in mind that, as a rule, we will not mark events such as this in the game. The format and subject matter don't lend themselves to it nearly as well as Safe & Sane, for example, which is set in real time and in such a way that the ruling would certainly be marked and celebrated.

That being said - everyone who is free in game to attend Anteros' party - please don't hesitate and enjoy it!!

It's definitely cause for celebration!!

[info]_deimos in [info]ooc_labyrinth

Heeeeeere's Johnny!

Or, you know, Deimos. Hey guys. I know that Gina and I weren't a part of the Labyrinthine community for a long time, but hey. Back. I'm back, anyway. I'm not sure what she's up to at the moment.