November 14th, 2010

[info]x_mod in [info]ooc_2012

F-button time again

Scout is bringing in her third, the Canadian mutant Aurora! She's a resident at the Haven, so please give her a welcome and start your plotting! The friends button has been updated accordingly, so go push it!

[info]tictic_boom in [info]ooc_2012

Tabs is officially in the bro-hood, so any of you bro-hooders out there want to plot or just have random threads let me know!

aim: icethesun

<3 Scout

[info]aurora_is in [info]ooc_2012

Hey bbs

This'll prolly be my last for a while because I'm weird and don't think I could really bring in another OC anytime soon despite having a million ideas for them. I like the challenge of playing a canon and this girl would be a first for me :)

This is Jeanne-Marie, aka Aurora, Northstar's twin sistah. I know we don't have a Northstar anymore BUT IT'D BE KINDA AWESOME IF WE DID. HINT. HINT.

Anyhow, she's brand new to the Haven annnd bringing with her the crazy train. Basically she's going to be extremely weird by being this Catholic/Liberal who has fun trying to make that work while dealing with keeping her split personality under control. At the moment it's going to be kept stable except for an occasional bad day for her but maybe in the future she can revert or something. Plot to think about.

<3 Hit me up
