March 15th, 2011

[info]wolvverine in [info]ooc_2012


hey gang,

at this point it's pretty obvious that RL has won the war. i have to face facts and accept that any notions of me having time to actually play any time in the near future is just a pipe dream, so i'm regretfully and officially saying farewell.

this game has been awesome, at times epic and grand, at others intimate like a PSL, but always awesome. i've had so much fun, and met some pretty great people all in all. it makes me sad to say goodbye, but it's the only logical decision to make right now. i'm so sorry to the ppl i left hanging when my life exploded. i'm sure we'll meet again in cyberspace whenever life eases up long enough for me to consider RPing again, like when the house is finished and i don't have to work 2 jobs and mom's not in need of nursing, etc. yeah, i know. life got pretty crazy over here, but what are you gonna do??? :D

my love and my thanks for all the great writing and ideas and my best wishes for your future RPing. hugs all around.
