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Great White Way Spotlight [01 Feb 2009|03:49pm]
"West Side Soriano"

Trey Soriano has proven that he is one of Broadway’s youngest and most versatile stars. After appearing in small roles in musicals like Footloose and The Rocky Horror Show, he made his breakthrough playing the very creepy Emcee in Cabaret. He followed that with a Tony-winning turn playing the legendary Frankie Valli in the original cast of Jersey Boys. Since then, he’s tackled the role of detached filmmaker Mark Cohen in the closing cast of RENT, and he is preparing to take on a role in one of this season’s biggest revivals, West Side Story. In between shows and rehearsals, he will sit down and answer your questions, so send them in!

Questions close on: February 6
Answer post up by: February 8

((If you'd like to sign up for the Spotlight, visit this post. If dates are a problem for you at all OOC, let me know.))
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[31 Jan 2009|01:08pm]

WHERE: Some really nice reception hall somewhere in Manhattan. (Sorry I didn't get an actual location but I would assume that the characters got it on their magic invites that Emilie sent out :) )
WHEN: Saturday Evening late after shows get out. Because Emilie and Christian want their friends there to celebrate with them.
WHAT: Wedding reception.
RATING: God knows. Have at it :)

Note: Sorry this is like novel length. I wanted to get a little wedding description in too. Feel free to branch off into your own threads. Everyone is invited because chances are they know either Emilie or Christian somehow.

Yeah when it's your wedding day...the your problems melt away... )
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[30 Jan 2009|01:27am]
Who Lola and Kale
What A random run in!
Where Just outside Starbucks
When Noonish on Friday
Rating/status tba / in progress

I crowned myself the prince of buzz )
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[28 Jan 2009|01:01pm]

RSPV here for Emilie's bachelorette party. No boys allowed, but it's going to be a blast. Friday night 11pm, so we can all do our shows. :)
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[27 Jan 2009|04:11pm]

Stupid. Cat.
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[25 Jan 2009|02:06pm]

I'm such a nerd. My boyfriend is at his show, and I am curled up on the couch with our kitten, Belle, and watching Beauty and the Beast. I'm singing along and swooning. I miss playing a princess.
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[25 Jan 2009|11:54am]
Text Message to Kenzie )

Text message to Benny )
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sullivans steps [20 Jan 2009|10:33pm]

I bought myself a new computer today. Very techno-savvy of me, I know. Not too bad, considering that my old machine was at least four years old. Which in computer years, I believe is around forty. That's quite old. Now my only problem is getting all of the bloody trial software deleted from it so it doesn't eat away at my precious hard drive. Would you believe I've got over 50 gigabytes of music? I do believe I may be a bit of a junkie. At least I'm in the correct business for it, eh?

Oh, introduction time, I suppose. The name is Ryan Sullivan, and if you've seen Shrek, among a few other, older shows, then you've seen my handiwork. All those marks the actors have to make and the jumps they have to land? Yes, those are my doing. Enjoy it. They work their asses off to make it work.
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[20 Jan 2009|11:58am]
Text message to Kenzie )
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[20 Jan 2009|07:45am]

Who: Trey and Sadie
Where: In the city...maybe Trey's favorite store H&M
When: Tuesday January 20
What: Reunited and it feels so good
Rating: PG-13

Trey loves his fag hags )
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[20 Jan 2009|07:39am]

Who: Emilie and Luke
Where: Outside The Wild Party
When: Tuesday January 20
What: Chat and coffee date?
Rating: Won't be more than PG-13

Consider this a kidnapping )
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[20 Jan 2009|07:28am]

Who: Jonny R. and Stella
When: Tuesday evening January 20
Where: On the way to the theatre
What: random run in
Rating: PG

if it isn't my drinking buddy! )
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[20 Jan 2009|07:25am]

Text to MJ sent at 10:00AM )
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[20 Jan 2009|07:18am]

Who: Mia and Rebecca
What: Random run in and shopping maybe?
Where: In the city somewhere.
When: Tuesday afternoon Janaury 20
Rating: Pg-13? Mia's mouth gets away from her sometimes.

oh hi! )
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[20 Jan 2009|07:05am]

Who: Mia and Wyatt
What: random run in
Where: a cafe
When: Tuesday January 20
Rating: PG-13?

mmm coffee. )
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[20 Jan 2009|06:48am]
Who: Tanith and Danny
What: Random run in, chatting, making new friends?
When: Tuesday, January 20
Where: Somewhere near Broadway Dance Studio
Rating: PG?

oh! i'm so sorry. )
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[20 Jan 2009|06:41am]
WHO: Tanith and Petra
WHEN: Postdated to Friday January 23
WHAT: Best Friends having lunch and catching up.
WHERE: One of their favorite cafes
RATING: Won't be more than PG-13 if even that.

long time no see. )
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[20 Jan 2009|01:08am]

Text message to Shae; 8:54 AM )
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[20 Jan 2009|03:10am]
Who Lola and Benny
What Breakfast at Lola's!
When This morning
Rating/status tba / in progress

Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets--kinda. )
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Great White Way Spotlight [18 Jan 2009|11:43am]
"Read About Reed"

London’s young star, Reed Hardwicke, has been on loan to Broadway as of late. Currently, he’s the guy stripping down to his bare skin in the popular play Equus, but he’s no stranger to Broadway’s boards. In 2006, he made his Broadway and film debut in The History Boys. That film was followed by a stint on TV’s Gossip Girl and a part in the teen flick Twilight. This week, Reed is in our hot seat, prepared to answer your…interesting… questions.

Questions close on: January 23
Answer post up by: January 25

((If you'd like to sign up for the Spotlight, visit this post. If dates are a problem for you at all OOC, let me know.))
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