October 2013



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Nov. 12th, 2012


Who: Sophie Adams and Travis Taylor
When: Tuesday afternoon, after her classes
Where: Here Comes the Sun
What: horsing around at work
Rating: PG, I would think

Quote )


Who: Cassie Colborough and Beaumont Bellerose
When: Let's say Tuesday after school
Where: Bay Book Company
What: Cassie's taking a break
Rating: PG, I would think

Quote )

Oct. 27th, 2012


WHO: OPEN to all of Luna Bay
WHAT: Halloween Party; IC/OOC Log
WHEN: Saturday October 27th; starting at 8pm
WHERE: Princeton Landing
RATING: Label your threads!
NOTES: Either post to the OOC thread to discuss or start a new thread in the comments!

Princeton Landing has been all decked out for Halloween and the whole town is invited to a party! Under-21s get a stamp at the door to keep them from buying any alcohol, but it's otherwise an all ages night. There are plenty of Halloween-themed snacks and drinks, excellent music with a live band, etc.

Oct. 25th, 2012


WHO: Aalis Templeton and Dexter Owens
WHAT: Lunch date
WHEN: Wednesday after 1 o'clock
WHERE: Odyssey
RATING: PG, I'm sure.
STATUS: Incomplete and closed

I promise not to spill anything on you this time )

Oct. 19th, 2012


WHO: Sophie Adams; open to Tea Time workers or customers!
WHAT: Sophie is getting some tea and doing some homework
WHEN: Friday after class; about 2pm
WHERE: Tea Time!
RATING: PG, I'm sure.
STATUS: Incomplete and open!

lalala open thread )

Oct. 13th, 2012


Who: Edward Labeste (The Beast)
What: Narrative Edward's nightmares come to life
Where: Somewhere on the Labeste estate grounds
When: Backdated October 3, 2012 6:15AM. Some 6 weeks after Edward's return to Luna Bay
Rating: R. Possible squick warning, just to be safe. Some graphic depictions of blood, gore, and bodily functions. Non-explicit nudity.

...the Beast relished it. It was invigorated by the vaguely metallic aftertaste of it tickling his nose. )


Party Thread: LBU: Open to all!

WHO: anyone who wants to attend/crash
WHAT: party at LBU!
WHEN: Saturday Night; starting around 8pm
WHERE: some fraternity on LBU campus
RATING: R or above, possibly, pls label your threads
NOTES: open group thread! Just start subthreads in the comments or jump into one!

OOC: for those who don't know the drill, this is basically an open free for all. You can post your character into a new thread or take an existing one. You can post in any character who would have a reason to be there. Please label your subject lines with approximate time, the name(s) of the character(s) involves and the expected rating of the scene. Have at it, have fun!

Oct. 9th, 2012


Who: Dex Owens and Samperna Catalan
What: House Hunting
When: Backdated, October 5th, 2012
Where: NYC
Rating: R for Language?



Who: Dexter Owens and Perna Catalan
What: Enjoying some much needed time off after finishing their tour.
Where: Perna’s Place; NYC
When: Backdated October 1, 2012 2:35PM
Rating: R. Language. To be safe.

I brought coffee and breakfast. )


WHO: Lisa Thompson & Aidan Tanner
WHAT: She’s leaving him a spirit box and gets caught
WHEN: some day, around 2pm
WHERE: At Aidan’s locker,
STATUS: Incomplete Log; to be finished in comments

she was trying to be stealthy.. )

Posted via Journaler.

Oct. 6th, 2012


Starting Over.

[info]onceuponadream is all shiny and new.
Any posts prior to this one are part of the old community
and should not be considered canon for the purposes of this game.

Jun. 6th, 2012


Who: Trick McMillan and Meghan Jones
What: text message
When: June 6, 2012: 12AM EST
Rating: G

Happy Birthday )

May. 31st, 2012


Who: Patty McKendrick and Chris Landry.
What: Random meeting at a bookstore.
Where: a Barnes and Noble in LA.
When: Thursday May 31st; Around 11am.
Rating: PG-13, I think? You never know with them.
Status: Incomplete thread.

witty cut text )

May. 22nd, 2012


Who: Meghan Jones and Claire Jackson
What: text message
When:Tuesday, May 22, 2012: 12:16PM EST
Rating: R

witty cut text )


Who: Meghan Jones and Claudia Jones
What: text message
When:Tuesday, May 22, 2012: 12:16PM EST
Rating: R

witty cut text )

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