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May 14th, 2011

[info]nightmaredealer in [info]onceuponadream

WHO: Gage Wyzisky & Gigi Boyle
WHAT: Gage owes Gigi some massive groveling for missing her birthday so he intends to grovel and make a general nuisance of himself like he does most times.
WHERE: Gigi's college
WHEN: March 25, 2011, evening (backdated like whoa because Myk sucks butt.)
STATUS: incomplete

Suckage )

[info]murderedpawn in [info]onceuponadream

Who: Timothy Wilson and Elaine Richards
What: The end of their date.
Where: Outside Elaine's apartment.
When: Saturday, May 14, 2011: 11:15PM EST
Rating: Not high. PG at the most.

Timothy was aware that he was moving with the speed of a special olympic hurdler. )

[info]kindmadam in [info]onceuponadream

Who: Jennifer Sutherland and Mark Walker
What: Cuddling. Possibly more...
Where: Mark’s apartment near GT campus.
When: Saturday, May 14, 2011: around 2pm
Rating: PG-13.

--- )

Last updated May 27.

[info]lissyb in [info]onceuponadream

Who: Lissy Bauman and Will Farley.
What: Some kind of dateish thing.
Where: Walking towards Montagues.
When: Saturday May 14th. Around 7pm.
Rating: PG.
Status: Log.

---- )

[info]missfortunate in [info]onceuponadream

Who: Tessa Prescott and Gage Wyzisky
What: texting
When: Saturday, May 14th @ 1pm EST

Yo Bro )

[info]denlillepige in [info]onceuponadream

Who: Cassie Colborough and Silas O'Connor.
What: Cassie bumps into an old "friend"
Where: A party at NYU.
When: Saturday May 14; around 11pm
Rating: PG, aside from mentions of violence.
Status: Quickie thread!

--- )

[info]makeitgreen in [info]onceuponadream

Who: Doug Dwyer and Angela Jones
What: Meeting up after the game
When: Just before midnight
Where: Outside of the locker room and then back at the house
Rating: PG-13?
Status: Incomplete Thread

It was a good night... )