Omphalos OOC

August 2017


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August 3rd, 2017




Please copy/paste/fill out this application and email it to the mod with the subject line "Omphalos Application".

App under the cut )



New character process

I'm going to assume here you've read the rules and know what you're getting into. If not, I suggest you do that!

If you know what to do and just want all the stuff you need handy, it's right here.

Any comments/questions/etc you don't want to share with others can be emailed to me, or left here.

Step by step )



Profile page

Here's the code and information for your character's profile page. If you don't want to add an image, just delete the second line. You can always copy it back in later if you change your mind!

I've made some (hopefully explanatory) comments in brackets. Just go ahead and delete those when you fill in each section. The finished article should look a bit like this.

Code )



IC process for new alt-world arrivals

What happens when an alt arrives? )



The world

There are worlds other than our own. Worlds of vampires and werewolves, worlds of magic and divergent evolution. Worlds so similar to our own we’d have to look hard to see any differences at all.

These worlds are connected. Call it magic, call it advanced quantum entanglement, call it the foundations of the multiverse, but no world exists completely apart. Some connections have existed since before time could be measured, others seem to come and go with the seasons or the wind, moving moment to moment. Most of the time these connections simply exist, invisible and unseen, and it’s rare for anyone to notice them at all. Sometimes someone happens upon a place where their world is tethered and the connection becomes a road Between, transporting them to the place where every world is anchored. A kind of universal umbilical tying every place to the central point, the hub of all worlds, the foundation stone of existence. The Omphalos.

That place is our world.

Many tributaries flow into each other, creating strong anchors to this world. One of these anchor points is in Manchester, England. Formed and shaped in a place of history and knowledge, this invisible point in space becomes the arrival point for many accidental travellers. Between one breath and the next, people find themselves standing in an upper floor alcove, between stacks of books in the historic reading room of the John Rylands Library, Manchester, England.

Getting back seems impossible. Welcome to your new home.


Travellers from other worlds will be made welcome, given a roof over their head and a place to gather where they might also meet with natives who know their situation. The woman who owns the cafe is a mystery, though perfectly friendly. She'll tell you all she knows (or seems to do so), but why is she so concerned about the sinkholes appearing around Manchester every few months? And who is the elusive old man in the shabby, old fashioned suit, who keeps appearing around the library? Aside from "he's grumpy", no one seems to know anything about him.

It's all a mystery, but in the meantime you have to learn to live here. Good luck.