Aug. 12th, 2008


Why You Should Never Go in the Woods Alone [Open]

Who: Lilly and Open
When: August 12
Where: In town on her way home
What: First sighting of 'rabid' fox?

After taking Charisma for her own walk around town, Lilly took her back home and decided to go out on her own for a little while. She wanted to enjoy the peace and quiet of the woods without hearing her dog barking at everything she thought she could see, hear, and smell. She seemed to be extra jittery lately, as if somehow knowing what was going on. For all Lilly knew, the dog could. She didn't exactly know the limits of what dogs could and couldn't know.

She had been out in the woods for a little while when she noticed something distressing: she hadn't heard any wildlife in a little while. The woods used to be filled with all different sorts of sounds from different animals, mostly birds and the like, but she hadn't heard anything today. Was the radiation starting to get into the valley after all?

She turned around to start walking out when she finally saw and animal, a fox. However, she only felt relieved for about three seconds until she got a closer look at it. Without knowing exactly what else it could be, the animal looked rabid to her. Once it got her in its sights, it started to run after her. Lilly did the only thing that she could think of: she ran. After living through the end of the world, she was not going to get rabies or whatever from a damn fox.

Once she hit the edge of the woods, she couldn't hear the animal anymore, and turned back to look for it. It wasn't there. Still, not one to take any chances, she quickly made her way out of the woods and started on her way home. She had fallen more than once and was scraped up, and now her limp, which she tried desperately to hide, was very prominent. Running for your life faster than you really should run with old injuries will cause them to flare up again.

Aug. 2nd, 2008


A night on the town.

Who: Quinn, Edie, Mac, Coby. Open to anyone else who feels like stopping by the bar!
What: Drinking, friending, awkwardly interacting
Where: The bar
When: August 1st

I want to go out. )
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Jul. 15th, 2008



Who: Simon and any townsfolk who want to address the current state of things
Where: Town Hall
When: July 12
What: You know, a place where people come together and meet ^_^

Simon sat inside the town hall, and he was early. Extremely early. He liked being early to everything, as it usually meant he was the first one there and didn't miss anything. He had even brought a tape recorder to keep a record of what would be discussed.

Now, of course, he just needed people to arrive.

Jun. 22nd, 2008


[Complete] The World Ended, and the Dog Wants to Play with a Stick

Who: Lilly & Open
Where: Town Green
When: June 22
What: Playing fetch with Charisma

Lilly dusted her hands off after she finished tilling her garden. Luckily, the weather had held up and, after eating food that she had pulled out of the ground for the past few weeks and not getting radiation sickness, she was almost positive that the soil wasn't tainted. All of this meant that she could still squeeze in some more seeds to grow some more food for the winter. She hoped to at least have enough for herself but, if the good weather held, she may actually have enough to barter for other things that she might need. Luckily, gas wasn't really a problem for her, since she could walk anywhere in town. She could walk all day, even if she had that damn limp.

Lilly walked back into her house, locking the door behind her. She called out to Charisma and the little dog came running out from the hallway, seemingly knowing that it was time for her walk. Lilly grabbed the leash and, after hooking her to it, led her out the front door, locking it behind her. She didn't use to bother locking the door in Normalville but, with the turn of events, she didn't want anything bad to happen. Lilly walked the dog to the Town Green, enjoying the fresh air as Charisma, once released from her leash, immediately ran off and returned with a stick for fetch. "The world blew up around us, and you want to play fetch?" she asked the dog. "I wish I could be as carefree as you." Still, she took the stick from the dog's mouth and threw it out for her to fetch, watching as the little black and brown Chihuahua ran off, bringing the stick back a few moments later.
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Jun. 15th, 2008


[In Progress] Trying to Find Something to Do

Who: Lilly and Quinn
What: Lilly visits the high school searching for something to distract herself with, and finds Quinn
Where: Normalville High School
When: June 15
Why Dogs Aren't Allowed on School Grounds )
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