Aug. 14th, 2008


A Start of Something Sweet

Who: Coby and Edie
Where: Hospital
When: June 10th (way backdated folks)

Oh the usual. Busted condoms, hard liquor, discount drugs. )
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Aug. 2nd, 2008


A night on the town.

Who: Quinn, Edie, Mac, Coby. Open to anyone else who feels like stopping by the bar!
What: Drinking, friending, awkwardly interacting
Where: The bar
When: August 1st

I want to go out. )
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Jul. 27th, 2008


Who: Mac and Coby
What: Figuring each other out… Or maybe mostly making out.
Where: The lake
When: July15th

I ain't good at sharing or mindreading, so if you pussyfoot around a question, you're not going to get the answer you're looking for. )
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Jul. 19th, 2008


War as we knew it was obsolete, nothing could beat complete denial

Who: Coby and Kieran
Where: The Motel
When: July 19
What: A first meeting of the two coolest guys in town

All we do is talk, sit, switch screens )
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Jul. 13th, 2008


Who: Coby and Izzy
What: Coby needs a place to live.
When: June 30th
Where: The motel

Please, pop your ego before you float away. )
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Jul. 8th, 2008


Who: Mac and Coby
What: Fireworks in the sky and in the bar.
Where: The bar and outside.
When: July 4th

Coby wasn't exactly a hardened criminal in college, but he was a frat boy, which was close. )
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Jul. 6th, 2008


A meeting of men.

Who: Mac and Coby
Where: The Clinic
When: June 17th (backdated)

Coby must've been a lot sicker than he was, because moving took more effort than anything he'd done so far in his life, but this guy was hopping around like an angry-looking bunny rabbit. )
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Jun. 16th, 2008


[in progress] Wanderlust

Who: Coby M. Lewis and whoever wants to find him
What: This boy needs saving!
Where: Just outside of town, on the northside of the road
When: June 16

Oh goody, ANOTHER cornfield! )
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