June 22nd, 2008

[info]lilly_elliot in [info]omega_rpg

[Complete] The World Ended, and the Dog Wants to Play with a Stick

Who: Lilly & Open
Where: Town Green
When: June 22
What: Playing fetch with Charisma

Lilly dusted her hands off after she finished tilling her garden. Luckily, the weather had held up and, after eating food that she had pulled out of the ground for the past few weeks and not getting radiation sickness, she was almost positive that the soil wasn't tainted. All of this meant that she could still squeeze in some more seeds to grow some more food for the winter. She hoped to at least have enough for herself but, if the good weather held, she may actually have enough to barter for other things that she might need. Luckily, gas wasn't really a problem for her, since she could walk anywhere in town. She could walk all day, even if she had that damn limp.

Lilly walked back into her house, locking the door behind her. She called out to Charisma and the little dog came running out from the hallway, seemingly knowing that it was time for her walk. Lilly grabbed the leash and, after hooking her to it, led her out the front door, locking it behind her. She didn't use to bother locking the door in Normalville but, with the turn of events, she didn't want anything bad to happen. Lilly walked the dog to the Town Green, enjoying the fresh air as Charisma, once released from her leash, immediately ran off and returned with a stick for fetch. "The world blew up around us, and you want to play fetch?" she asked the dog. "I wish I could be as carefree as you." Still, she took the stick from the dog's mouth and threw it out for her to fetch, watching as the little black and brown Chihuahua ran off, bringing the stick back a few moments later.
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[info]bookman_bazzer in [info]omega_rpg

Who: Bazzer & Mac
Where: the bar
Why: because Bazzer needs a drink!
When: Today!

Viva La Vida )
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