August 2008



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May. 24th, 2008


Game Set Up Information

Breakdown of Character Types

There are three types of characters you may choose to play: Townie, Survivor, and Otherworlder.

Townies are usually residents of the town and the characters will tend to know each other and have a specific role in the town already. (If you’re not sure what kind of town role you want your character to have, please consult my list of possible town roles here.) A Townie can also be a visitor to the town for whatever reason, but essentially he or she was in Normalville before the bombs went off. Keep in mind someone who has lived in town his whole life will likely have a very different view of the world than someone coming in from the outside. Townies are OCs.

Survivors can be from anywhere, but for whatever reason, were somewhere in the vicinity of Normalville, PA when the bombs went off, and have been traveling looking for refuge. They will be starting off the game with both an advantage and a handicap: If your character is a survivor, he or she will be given a piece of information about what is going on outside the town that they may choose to share or hide from the other characters. The downside to this is that they will have radiation sickness, the symptoms of which can be found here, so a player will need to play that out and likely spend some time in the clinic. They can enter the town at either end of the route going through the valley, from the north or from the south, where there is a roadblock. This is how their entrance will be played out. Survivors will likely be OCs, but could possibly be a fandom character. (Please see the FAQ for this point.)

The chart for severity levels of radiation sickness and the symptoms are here:

If your Survivor is coming from somewhere close to Normalville, they would experience something in the 0.5 - 3 SV range. If they come from near a major city that has been bombed, we’re looking at something like 4 - 6 SV, so... choose wisely. :)

Otherworlders are fandom characters who, living on alternate worlds, are in the middle of experiencing a catastrophic event that would end their own world. Right as this is happening, a giant cosmic wormhole opens for several seconds, perhaps giving the character a choice of hopping in or accepting his death. The wormhole always empties out very violently into the basement of the town library, where Simon St. James dutifully works. This is how their entrance will be played out. In addition, if in this paralell world the character possesses any supernatural or heightened abilities, the trip through the wormhole may have shorted out some or weakened these abilities. (The true extent of this will be discussed between us mods and the player once you have applied. We think it’ll put a fun twist on things.)

Notes on How the Game Works

1. We're going for something a little different here. If you are familiar with the Dungeons & Dragons system, we’re trying to work off of that. With journals it’s not exactly as specifically itemized as D&D can be, but we want to have a directed game where we put storylines in motion for you and you can run with to your hearts’ content. We also want to give you puzzles and mysteries to unravel. This does not limit you from your own subplots within your own characters, but we do want everyone to actively participate in at least one aspect of the major story arcs we put in place (or at least acknowledge their existence :). Just keep this in mind. If this doesn’t seem like the kind of game you want, do not bother to apply.

2. The focus of this game is not saving the world; the world is gone. The focus is rebuilding and flourishing within the confines of the valley in which Normalville resides. Since this is a dark fantasy type game, keep in mind that you might find yourselves under attack by some... colorful things. Mods will warn you in advance of such an occurrance via the OOC comm at least a week in advance, to give players some time to prepare.

3. The main action of the game will be focused on the town of Normalville, PA. The mods have gone to great pains to make this town and its settings as immersive as possible. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the map of the town and the general look and layout of the settings.

4. There are both main characters and NPCs set up by the mods that are designed to dispense information in-character. If your character has questions about where things are in the town or any town history, Simon St. James is your man, and he can usually be found in the library during the day time hours. If you need a law man, the police station is staffed by the slightly power-hungry Henry Browning. If you are in need of medical assistance, Susan Schmidt is head nurse at the clinic, and Father at the church could be your spiritual guidance if you want him to. All these insituations are in need of more help if you think your character would want a job here, as well.

Notes on How the Town is Set Up

1. The valley has a microclimate, which means it has its own weather patterns and radioactive contamination does not reach it. Leaving the valley at any point will put you at great risk for radiation poisoning.

2. There is electricity because of windpower but there is a town advisory not to overuse it.

3. If your characters want to write in their journals, the resident techie, Jimmy Jameson (who left the town to look for his family and won’t be returning) set up a townwide blog where anyone can post and comment. The local network he put in place is still up and running, but any actual internet surfing won’t get your character very far.

Any other questions? Feel free to email or ping the mods:

Heather - vampire emo kid
Shannon - suomynona kun