Posts Tagged: 'character:+psyche'

Jun. 19th, 2013




So, I officially have one more thing in common with my Mama. Fabulous hair, taste in clothing and now, I am officially an amputee.

Anyone know where a girl can get herself a fly mech arm? I don't want to bother Howie. Also what do you get people who saved your life? Is weaponry an appropriate gift?

Jun. 18th, 2013



i was too lazy for a subject line

Whilst hoping that most of the people I know have come out of all that unharmed. I know that's wishful thinking on my part. If anyone needs anything, if you're injured I can help with that to a certain extent. Also the Metropolis sewers are nice this time of year, people should check that out.

private to chase )

private to gabe )

Jun. 5th, 2013



i was too lazy for a subject line

To Chase
From Archie
When June 5th.

you have (7) unread messages )




Demons are creatures from hell.
Yes, I have red eyes sometimes but I am not from hell.
I'm from Westchester.
Next person who says I'm a danger to people is going to be proven right.

Jun. 3rd, 2013



i was too lazy for a subject line

To Theo
From Archie
When 6/03

you have (6) unread messages )

Jun. 2nd, 2013



boostr post by psyche

While trying to avoid any elephants in any rooms with the sudden rise of a demon-resurrected crazy-IthinkImighthaveseenadragon populace, I'm pretty sure the next thing I'm going to see in the newspaper is any one of the fair cities going in debt because they're half destroyed. I can only imagine hospitals being overcrowded (yay?) and generally a lot of people voicing their opinions about these occurrences in a not-so-friendly manner. It just means I have my work cut out for me the next couple of weeks, so please. When you're out and about fighting crime and defeating unholy hell beasts -- try to avoid destroying any buildings, residences, cars, fire hydrants, or poodles (don't ask. this crap I read on blogs and obviously everything you read on the internet is true). I've been exhausted these past couple of days because apparently every single day a new story pops up.

I'm not usually out there fighting but if anyone is, stay safe. If you happen to get injured, come to me. I'd like to help.

On a lighter note, I made dinner for once Chase. Yours is in the microwave.

May. 23rd, 2013



boostr post by archie

So apparently I have learned a great many things on the subway back to Manhattan.

1) If you move from your seat once again your chair will be taken or you will be under the threat of bedbugs and/or some sort of mutated STD that you don't actually have to have sex to catch. In which it's just a disease to which everyone in that subway should have been tested the moment they stepped on.

2) Full moons are not necessarily needed for people acting completely insane on the subway. though an argument of this could be: it's a subway. I will not argue this fact, but still. It was a little more than it typically is.

3) Crying infants are annoying. So are crying adults. Furthermore, crying adults sitting next to you and telling you why they are indeed crying. Apparently, Jeff Montgomery is a cheating a-hole and you should be ashamed of yourself, Jeff.

I'm seriously tempted to just stop commuting and continue on my life unemployed.