Tuesday, September 20th, 2011

Boop boop beep boop

Fully realizing and accepting that I am one of the worst offenders, I thought (preparing for the upcoming activity check and all) a plot post might be well overdue to get over whatever this game wide slump is. Some of us went back to school recently and stuff like that, I get it, but it's been too long and it's time to get back into the swing of OM.
So, I guess, kind of, welcome back. Have a seat. Doodle a bit, brainstorm, chat.
Come on in. )

EDIT: You are never late. If you haven't posted in here yet, please do!
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Tuesday, July 5th, 2011


The game's two year anniversary is coming up on the 10th. Any ideas for a game event you'd all like to do? Something short but fun? Cracky, even, if you are so inclined. I retract that. Not cracky. This is a serious occasion.


Chat tomorrow night. 7pm central.
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Thursday, May 26th, 2011

Job Oppertunity

Hammer Industries is seeking one mutant to earn a large sum of cash. Mission is of the utmost secrecy, and applicant takes the position at their own risk.

Interested parties please reply. If no replies are received mission will proceed as planned.

The Mission )
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Sunday, May 22nd, 2011

It's been so long!

I think we need a plot post. Because it's not quite warm enough to want to go outside, and too hot to do anything else. Or maybe that's just me. I think the last time we had a plot post the Backstreet Boys were popular and that fight with Magneto on a plane had just reached its three year anniversary. How's that going, guys? I don't think we've had an actual event since then, but the dazzlingly beautiful [info]oh_marvelousnpc was born, so how about we express our feelings about that. Working for you? Not what you expected? Too slow? Not enough [ ]sex [ ]drama [ ]death [ ]other (__________)? The FAQ page was amended after Rory pointed out that not everyone can read my mind, so check that out and get back to me if something still isn't quite right.
Right, back here now )

Don't forget that a lot of people have critique posts and would really like you to use them hint hint hint. There's also drop boxes all over the place if there's something you don't want to say in public and your own ass to kiss if there's something you're not happy with but refuse to tell anyone.
If you have nothing to contribute, just post your character names and someone will be full of ideas for you. Also, you are a dirty, filthy liar. Why are you even playing this character without ideas? Come on.

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Monday, April 18th, 2011

The Battle for Pietro- Again

There's a lot of words under here )
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Tuesday, April 12th, 2011

The Battle for Pietro

Attention Harleigh, Devon, Dezi, Rory, Lauren, and Tar.

Okay so there is a vague format for the battle (the first post of which is finally up here. Basically Magnus is sneaking Pietro out of Stark's Long Island compound and to a waiting plane where Mystique is with Boom Boom and Wicked (there for back up). They go off and the Avengers follow in a quinjet piloted by Cap to have an epic air battle. Tony needs to go have a talk with Mystique and Wanda will be getting Pietro from one plane to the other. That leaves Magneto to be taken out by Spider-Woman and Iron Fist if that's all right with you guys. We can plan here how we want that battle to go. Boom Boom or Wicked could also be helping out Magnus or they could be trying to stop Wanda from taking Pietro inside the plane or whatever y'all wanna do. Anyway, let's discuss it here and come up with more details.
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Wednesday, April 6th, 2011

Battling Magneto

Hey there everybody,

Okay so soon, like within the next few days, there should be a post (or a placeholder, I won't lie) that will involve Magneto stealing his son away from New York and returning with him to Genosha. For anyone who doesn't know, Tony is currently working on Pietro's heart in Long Island and, despite giving his word to the contrary, has no intention of letting Magneto take him back. Magneto, of course, has no intention of letting him stay. What will ensue is lots of hijinks! And by hijinks I mean the Avengers and anyone else who wants to be involved chasing them back to Genosha and engaging in an epic battle. Or something like that. So Brotherhood members to help fight back would be fabulous as well. Sooo, any takers?
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Sunday, March 13th, 2011

This is actually my favourite time

Hey, the power swap is over! So get wrapping up your threads, tie up loose ends in the end-thread, and get back to your regularly scheduled heroing. Maybe you learned something about yourself? Maybe you are flooded with relief? I don't actually care, unless if you want to arc it into further plot. You can post that here and ask people to get involved. Mostly, I care how you, as a player, felt about the event, how it was run, how it could have been better, how it was done well to incorporate into future events, etc. I know some of you wanted it extended, and some of you were less than enthusiastic about it in its entirety, so if no one says anything I know who the liars are and you will be punished (probably with continued plots that you don't like). No, really. I know who you are. Even if you didn't say something publicly. Don't test me.

I only ask because I love you )

Things you should post about:
game events
team activities (yours or anyone else's)
personal plots
getting more players
improving the game to be the best it can be

Things you should remember: people who have HMD posts in their journals really, really appreciate constructive criticism /SUBTLE HINT?
You should post your opinion in the WEEKLY CHAT discussion down there, which has been updated.

Finally, as always, TYFYT
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Sunday, March 6th, 2011

Attention Avengers!

Since I'm kind of caught up, do you guys (+Sue?) want to fight a very pissed off power-swapped villain this week? Being Avengers and all. It's not like we can just mope around and forsake a city in need. I assume someone's going to be blaming them for the shenanigans and will get all up in their business, like supervillains do. And then Wanda and Steve can awkwardly handle their new powers, possibly in disguise to not embarass themselves, with Sue and Jess (feeling impotent) making up a singe partly effective unpowered entity/control type role. And, you know. Tony's fine. Unless Raven touched him and made him useless, too.
Yes, no, further thoughts, concepts or input? You're allowed to say no.

Update: This is now an organizational thread. Any questions, ideas and concerns go here. We're going to assume the usual posting order rules, but if you want to pass your tag or steal one, note it here.
Since I sort of threw Tony directly at Sue, anyone have any qualms with starting this with two threads, one Tony/Sue and one Wanda/Cap/Jess? And we'll merge whenever we're ready. Whoever gets there first can start, it doesn't have to be Sue.
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Friday, February 11th, 2011

Affiliation: X-Men

Hi guys!

If I could have your attention briefly, for X-Men related plots. If your characters aren't affiliated with the school or the team, feel free to ignore this.

Read more... )

Edited to Add: Also, I've got plots opening up with the coming-soon Red Queen and the Sisterhood plot. If your character is female, especially for mutants, talk to me if you're interested in getting that character some more plot. Regan is recruiting, causing trouble, and setting up sleeper programming in peoples brains.
The Red Queen is in charge of the recruiting--and the fun thing is that she will offer your character anything to get them to join. Seriously. Anything. Miracles and bending reality are not out of the question, but watch out for those "be careful what you wish for" caveats.
If you have questions, or you just have a superpowered female character who needs more plot, let me know and I will work with you to make it happen.
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Thursday, February 3rd, 2011

Supplementary Plot Post

This isn't a real plot post so it's not going to be quite as exciting as usual, but feel free to treat it as a plot post if you hav plotting to do.

What I want to accomplish in this post is laying out what's actually going on with the whole Jess Is Evil, Nick Is Fired, Everything Goes To Hell plot.
I know that Taryn is working on evil-fying Jess soon, so that's good. Nick has his LMDs in the wings and is starting to do some shady shady stuff to come out of this looking like a bad guy.
Justin is ultimately going to profit from this by becoming Director of SHIELD (HAMMER?), either because he's poised and lucky, or because he was manipulating the situation, I'm not sure which. Either way, when he does have a little bit of power, he's going to make the Avengers out to be bad guys, too.
We know Hydra is involved in this, whether directly in league with Justin or just because they want to cause their usual Hydra havoc.
With our growing street level representation, though (hey kids), Rory has suggested making use of the Hand, which would spread the reach of this thing a bit better and, really, bring it down out of the Tower. Justin could be their pawn, they could be working inexplicably with Hydra, they could be working directly against Hydra to make an all out baddie gang war, I don't really know. Point is, they also want to take over the world, why not.

So, help me out here, guys. What's the actual groundwork for this? What details am I missing? How does anyone want to be involved? What else would be totally cool?

For your time, an accurate representation of Nick's LMD army:
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Saturday, January 8th, 2011

You are all invited

You know, I had kind of a system going on for plot posts, but that system really breaks down when there aren't regular events to talk about. Once again, I am twiddling my thumbs, wondering about life, focusing really intently on this dog who seems to have been having some kind of breakdown down the hall in my building for the last half hour, and contemplating murder/suicide. Don't get so offended, it might not be a dog, it could be a child. I'm allowed to assault that, right?

Oh god just make it shut up )

I think I've run out of things to say and I'm supposed to leave the house today so.

gifs became less like cake and more like shitty plastic toys you find in gift bags and step on in the middle of the night and totally wreck your goddamn foot last plot post but...who am I kidding I fucking love gifs.
Tony's constant fantasy TYFYT
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Saturday, November 6th, 2010

By not so popular demand

Welcome to your irregularly scheduled plot post! The rules of this post as usual, are as follows:
Harleigh is going to be very annoying.
Devon is going to discover some new obnoxious HTML trick.
We will all learn nothing.
Since this...round's? event is still ongoing, feel free to use this post to discuss it and get together and keep the momentum going. Anything you didn't quite understand? Anything you're not sure you're allowed to do? Need anyone to help you achieve something? Feel free to put it out there and we'll all use our brains together.
That said, you can also express how you think the Halloween event could be better, stronger, faster, harder, etc. Ash really really doesn't mind hearing how you think things can be improved to make this the game you are excited to throw yourself into.
If you can guess who this post's fanart features before you click, I'll make it one of your characters next time~ )

Please, everyone get talking, about anything at all, because good things can come from it. Don't be shy. No one's going to make fun of you for trying to contribute. It is always an honour.

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Friday, May 7th, 2010

Greetings and Salutations!

Hello All! This is Meesha (aka Emma Frost-Mun) bringing in her second character Ms. Marvel. Really, she finds the whole codename to be silly and would prefer if you referred to her has Major Danvers, USAF, or Cheeseburger to those who really know her - there may or may not have been an incident in a G-force flight simulator at the Air Force Academy, but that is highly classified information.

She's only had two career crashes. The first, that resulted in her capture by Taliban militants, who tortured her for military secrets. And the second, more recently at Area 51, flying experimental air crafts made from alien technology, which is how she got her powers by way of nuclear fall out. Her full profile can be found HERE.

Anyways, this is Carol, she's pretty much God's gift to the Air Force - you know how pilots are. Currently, she's still in Nevada while they figure out just what exactly happened and what the full extent of her powers are.

Who would like to plot?
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Friday, April 16th, 2010


We need an event. Here are some ideas:

-Dimensional travel. Time travel in other dimensions. The illusion of time travel in other dimensions courtesy of The Beyonder.

-Annihilus. Basically. Dude with an army who wants to take over earth. This would be a plot that would in some way likely affect all characters.

-Other. Stuff.

Basically. Ideas. For how to get either of the aforementioned plots actually going? Or other plots?

No Apocalypse.

EDIT: For those of you without the patience to sit through my previously scrolling edit :p.
"I HAD AN IDEA. Details about our now-in-the-planning-stages Retribution (IT EVEN HAS A NAME) gamewide event will be forthcoming in another plot post soonishly."
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Monday, March 29th, 2010

Any of you X-Cats want some threading?

Soooo hi kids. I know we totally just had a plot post and all that jazz, but if any of the X-Men (especially younger members), need some threading, Regan is heading over to join up anytime now, and she'd love to seem more harmless make a new friend on her way in, before she meets up with Xavier.

Also, especially to female members of the X-Men, drop in and let me know if you're active and interested in plotting with me. As you may or may not have noticed from the little hints that are popping up, Regan is recruiting on behalf of an unknown third party called the "Red Queen." I'd like to thread with any and all female mutants in the game, so let me know if you want free tickets to upcoming Plot.

Lastly and rather importantly for upcoming Plot, paging Jean Grey. Jean Grey to my office for Plot, please.

Stay classy y'all.
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Monday, March 1st, 2010

Modly Stuff

Hello all,

How are you all? Fine, I hope. So anyway, this is a random update of stuff. Plot stuff, rule stuff, just stuff. First, I know we seem to be tapering off a bit lately, but fear not. I think it's just that we're in a particularly busy time of year and it being around various Spring Break times and all doesn't help. I do not doubt we'll be picking up. Okay, onward!

Plot Stuff:
So, the Congress vote about the mandatory registration will be April 12th 28th. I'm still sort of unsure about whether it'll pass or not. I'm leaning towards yes. Anyway if you've got any political related stuff to do with that plot, you've got until the 12th to sway to your side. Actually. Maybe I could do this like a real vote (assuming everyone will vote) and in the meantime characters strongly for or against can do things to try to sway in their favor. Whatever, let me know what you think of that idea.

Next, Sini's plot. Hey guys, remember this? Well, the seeds have been laid for it and I figured a reminder wouldn't hurt. Now some of you might be wondering how it will directly affect characters in game. Will they be forced to take this new cure? The answer is no. Sinister will be found out before the cure was actually administered by the government. It's unlikely that someone (I'm looking at you, X-Men) wouldn't investigate into some "cure" for mutantism. That curiosity about mutant cures has already been established by the SHIELD seminar post Boone and Matt are doing, so I don't see why that same wariness wouldn't carry over when Sinister's cure starts surfacing. Anyway, that doesn't mean you can't volunteer your characters to be experimented on, etc. So yeah, I think that's how that'll be going down.

Rule Stuff:
So the holds have been changed from two weeks to a week and the inactivity policy is a little different. Obviously, after someone has been contacted about inactivity once and they reply before their week is up, I'll allow them to stay in the game. However, if that same player becomes inactive again without giving me notice of a hiatus or explaining the situation, they will automatically be kicked after three weeks of inactivity. I don't think I'm asking too much to be told "hey, I need a hiatus" or to just have you explain the circumstances to me. I'm willing to be lenient if you'll talk to me, but I can't have players disappearing and reappearing whenever they feel like it because they think I'll just keep allowing them back. That isn't conducive to an active or healthy game. I don't want to have to resort to that, so just talk to me if you need a hiatus.

Anyway that's all I can think of for now. Thank you for your time. Enjoy this entry from autocompleteme.

my neighbor is a wind turbine
see more
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Monday, February 22nd, 2010

Calling all X-Men

Cyclops )
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Tuesday, January 12th, 2010

Okay so, the following plot was just suggested to me by Roguemoon:

Idea )

Opinions? Further suggestions? Yay? Nay?
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Monday, November 16th, 2009

This better be your favourite day of the month

What kind of treat do we have today~ )

Herpaderp I think I'm a little late for my kind of monthly plot post, huh? Well, grab a cookie and strap yourselves down, ladies and gents. I have...not much to say this month. THAT TURNED OUT TO BE A LIE. Tony officially has the most used character tag, let's celebrate! Or, you know, make him shut the hell up for a second. Wanda will be topping him again soon enough.
He likes it that way.

Anyway, I can't ever talk about me enough, but let's put that aside for a bit, because it's

Shit I know because these are the teams I am a part of and if you don't like it you should make the thread next time all right? All right. Pepper, take notes. RIGHT THIS VERY SECOND:

The Avengers are having a kind of fishy meeting that not everyone will agree with. I don't know what's going to happen in the next five minutes usually, but I'm pretty sure this means a big, green NPC thrown at us in the near future and the Avengers are going to have some internal problems.
Not in their guts. And not just with Nick and Tony, who really should just fuck and get this aggression out, right?

The Young Avengers are pretty much giving the finger to time and space and altering this dimension's course. High five, Young Avengers. They're getting a little too comfy here, though, even with Sinister lurking around. Being Sinister. I think their biggest goal right now is to find the rest of the team, but that can't happen until we rustle up some players. So they're just going to hang around and get to know their official Avengers Mentors™ unless you, yes you, I'm talking to you, come up with something in this thread right now. Don't even think about it. Just type. And if it turns out embarrassing and ridiculously silly, we'll just make fun of you forever.

SO WHAT ARE YOU DOING, MY LOVELIES? We need more X-Men like I don't even understand. I thought people liked X-Men. There's whole games just for X-Men. Someone go pickin' in their crops, would you?

I still want to go to space. SHIELD uniforms. I'm not going to let this go.
DIMENSION BENDING, see: image above. See also: cyberpunk, dinosaurs, genderswitching, the French Revolution, all of the above in space.
...all of that actually sounds kind of awesome. Maybe without the space bit, but look at that. I just wrote words. You should try it.

Oh my god you guys why do I always do this at some stupid hour in the morning. I BID YOU. GOOD DAY.
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