Friday, November 20th, 2009


Characters: Everyone. This post is as open as Tony's bedroom door.
Setting: Evening/Night/Wee hours of the morning, Stage 37/The streets/Wherever you wake up, New York City/The Moon
Content: Swearing. Nick Fury. Tony only makes two women cry.
Summary: Stark Enterprises invites you! To get really fucked up in support of ClassACT! Because they like giving money to children so they can hire them later! And embarrassing themselves in the process! It's a party, kids! Exclamation!

the flash of a thousand bulbs )
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Wednesday, November 18th, 2009

When the lights go down in the city,

Characters: Pete, OT Billy, anyone really.. anyone but Magneto. He's banned.
Setting: On the subway, NYC metro tunnels, around nine pm 
Content: Nothing terrible
Summary: While out of costume and heading home, Pete bumps into some other heroes off the clock 

And the sun shines on the bay, do I want to be there in my city? )
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Sunday, November 15th, 2009

'Cause I'm two kinds of right...

Characters: Cassie, OT Billy, Teddy, Tommy
Setting: The diner where she works, NYC
Content: Nothing bad
Summary: Cassie breaks the news to Billy that she plans to stay

I surrender and fight. )
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Saturday, November 14th, 2009


Characters: Billy and Teddy for now
Setting: The fancy new living arrangements for the boys, New York
Content: Aliens and demon soul fragment mutant dream children! So, nothing new.
Summary: The boys settle in and catch up, and try to avoid being kidnapped

it called for investigation )
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Saturday, November 7th, 2009

Everyone's coming back for something...

Characters: Wanda, OT Speed, Billy, Teddy
Setting: Wanda's Flat
Summary: Wanda returns from Vegas

Everyone's coming back for nothing. )
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Friday, November 6th, 2009

Whole lotta trouble...

Characters: Sinister, Gambit, Rogue, Wiccan, Hulkling, Stature
Location: New York Subway Preliminary Testing Facility
Content/Summery: Sinister has kidnapped Billy and the Young Avengers come to his rescue!

Whole lotta trouble going on )
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Thursday, November 5th, 2009

It's red vs red...

Characters: Sinister, Billy, (Eventually Open to Pietro, Wanda)
Wanda's Apartment/Town Home, New York City
Content/Summery: Sinister intends to pick Wanda up for their next 'date' and meets Billy instead. Things get interesting.

...and blue vs blue )
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Sunday, October 25th, 2009

Why do you say good bye...

Characters: Wanda, Billy
Setting: Wanda's apartment
Content: Nothing
Summary: Wanda says goodbye to Billy before leaving to New Orleans

...Goodbye, bye, bye, bye, bye. )
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Tuesday, October 20th, 2009

Mama, we're all full of lies...

Characters: Wanda, Billy, Pietro
Setting: SHIELD HQ, then Wanda's apartment
Content: Nada
Summary: Wanda properly meets her supposed "son" then talks about it with Pietro
Notes: Threaded in Gdoc, posted as one entry.

Mama, we're meant for the flies. )
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Sunday, October 18th, 2009

Save tonight...

Characters: Wanda, Pietro, Nick, Tony, Cap, later- Billy
Setting: Wanda's flat, NYC, then a park
Content: Drunken shenanigans orgy. jk. maybe.
Summary: Wanda and Pietro are finally released from protective custody and the Avengers celebrate with bonding and a dinner party.

...and fight the break of dawn. )
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Monday, October 12th, 2009

Zombie Haiku

Characters: Sinister, OT Magneto, Wiccan
Location: Sinister's Lab, Genosha
Content/Summery: Zombie virus frustrates Sinister and he decides to take it out in a visit to Genosha

Lying on the road, a few ate until they burst. I eat what burst out. )
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Friday, October 2nd, 2009

I'll call you when the time is right...

Characters: Magnus, Billy
Setting: Genosha
Content: Nothing I can think of
Summary: Magnus tries to make friends

...are you in or are you out? )
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Monday, September 28th, 2009

Characters: Wiccan, Magneto
Location: New York 616!-> Genosha OhMarvelverse!
Content: TBD
Summary: Bringing Magneto back

Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen )
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Sunday, September 13th, 2009

Characters: Billy Kaplan, Magneto
Setting: 616 Universe!, Billy Kaplan's House
Content: TBD
Summary: Magneto is ported to 616!
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