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Oh Marvelous

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Honey... I'm hoooome [18 Jan 2010|12:35pm]
Characters: Storm, OTA at the X-Mansion
Setting: The X-Mansion
Content: Possible Swearing
Summary: Oh look what the cat dragged in.

He was the sun, burning bright and brittle and... [18 Jan 2010|02:20pm]
Characters: Polaris, Nick Fury
Location: S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters, New York, New York
Content: With Fury? Be ready for anything.
Summary: Lorna has returned to the U.S. and has a little explaining to do... and maybe a favor to ask and be asked in return.

...she was the moon, shining back his light a little. )

[18 Jan 2010|09:23pm]
Character: Pietro, Lorna
Setting: NYC flower shop
Content: TBD
Summery: Pietro is worried about Wanda and goes to buy her some flowers. There he meets his other sister.

Brothers and sisters are as close as hands and feet )

[ viewing | January 18th, 2010 ]
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