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She's taking her time making up the reasons... [17 Jan 2010|04:17pm]
Characters: Sinister, Rogue
Location: Sinister's Lab, Rogue's Mind
Content: It's Rogue's mind, fractured and made up of memories and personalities not her own. It's highly likely there will be bad stuff.
Summary: Sinister finally sits down to do one of those annoying mental sessions that Xavier always pussy-footed through. And the Doctor has no computations about being rough.

...to justify all the hurt inside. )

I always feel like, somebody's watching me... [17 Jan 2010|08:30pm]
Characters: Venom and Spider-Man
Setting: New York City
Content: Lots and lots of webing
Summary: Spider-Man takes off to stop the News Channel from airing his Secret ID. Venom violently intercedes. 

[ viewing | January 17th, 2010 ]
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