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Oh Marvelous

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"Come in!" exclaimed the Ghost before Scrouge. [31 Dec 2009|02:20am]
Characters: Speed and Jean, OT hotel dwellers
Setting: New York at the hotel
Content: Fun time
Summary:Speed invites Jean over to see his place.

Come in! and know me better, man )

Life's Temporary... [31 Dec 2009|05:30pm]
Characters: Characters who rsvp-ed here, multiple threads
Setting: Nick's Apartment over Times Square, NYC
Content: Nick Fury, usual party shenanigans
Summary: Nick throws a New Years Eve party

Like New Years resolutions. )

Baby loves to dance in the dark... [31 Dec 2009|06:30pm]
Characters: Sinister, Wanda, Hallucinations: Nick, Pietro, Magneto, Steve, Tony, multiple threads
Setting: Wanda's apartment, then Poveglia, From late Dec. 31st to after sunrise Jan 2.
Content: Probably some violence and creepy images. Hallucinations. Hallucination!Nick Fury.
Summary: Sinister gets his revenge. Wanda gets broken.

'Cause when he's lookin' she falls apart. )

[ viewing | December 31st, 2009 ]
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