July 11th, 2009

[info]silvercloud in [info]offtheisland

Hello, all!

David here, with news that Xi has just approved my new third character. He is serious, he is a bit of a ladies man, he is a mechanical genius and he wears short shorts~! He is the resident inventor who is responsible for Revolve's collars, I present to you quite possibly the most hated man on the island... Forge! Jonathan Silvercloud has been known primarily as "Forge" since the mid 80's and it is not currently known that he is a mutant, he is simply believed to be a very gifted mind. I'm still getting his profile prettied up so please don't mind the mess.

Forge can often be found in the bar after work, sipping on a double malt and unwinding from a long day. He lives on-island, in a penthouse suite in the Hotel, and is going to be very, very busy attempting to fix up the mess that Phoenix made. If any characters require specialized collars, he's going to be the one to rig it up. Anyone who has any plot ideas/suggestions/requests they are more than welcome to poke me, you know where to find me. Be sure to update your friends lists and all that good stuff. ;p