July 3rd, 2009

[info]blackline_mod in [info]offtheisland

Hello again, lovely players! Your friendly mods here looking at the activity checks and noticing something that comes across as a bit worrysome. It seems we have had very few posts for the last tournement, and being that we had 11 entries for said tournement, all of which for people who voulenteered to be in the weekends tourney. I'm sure you understand. That being said, follow this link to remind yourself what you should be doing with your character, and please get the tagging done. I know the weekend is a holiday, but none of you have requested hiatus time, so we do expect that you will have either gotten to it or will have a place holder up and waiting for your return after the 4th of July.

For those of you who have already done this, feel free to ignore this post. Thank you for your consistency and your activity levels. It makes us smile to see you all being so aware of your plots, your timing, and your willingness to put forth the effort we are asking for. We look forward to reading all the finished threads and would love to see some people working hard to move their characters up the color blocks as their timing and writing could allow.

Activity checks are up again shortly, so you'll hear from us again in short order.

Until next time~

Your Loving Modly Types