June 29th, 2009

[info]lanista in [info]offtheisland


Between dealing with family from out of town (for me) and work (for Sara), we're behind on Natalya/Ava's SL. I just wanted to apologize in advance for the serious backdating that is about to happen.   :|

We have one more "old" scene to do (taking place this Friday that just passed) and we might each do a narrative covering last week but after that we shouldn't be too far off "real-time".

[info]blackline_mod in [info]offtheisland

Yes, it's another freaking modpost! (recycled to help minimize spammage! See? We care!)

We want to welcome Sky, [info]endless_sky, to the game, D's OC and second character. He has been on the island 10 years and can be found in Green Block! We had a player removed due to lack of activity today, please head over to the Contacts Page to update your lists when you have a moment. We hope to be bringing you some new characters very very soon, so hang in there! Also, don't forget to look over the plot thread and post any lines you want for your character.