June 23rd, 2009

[info]blackline_mod in [info]offtheisland

Game plot, mod announcement and Tournament!

Hello, lovelies~!

For those of you who missed the announcement in the chat last night, we wanted to recap the information and give you all time to prepare for it. Our lovely mod Xi is going to be phasing herself out of the game, as at the end of July she may well have to leave the game as she is moving--to China! This is a very big and exciting event for her, even if we will miss her terribly. Before anyone starts to panic, we want to assure that the game is not closing, we will be continuing on and David will be looking for a co-mod eventually.

That said, the plot we are cooking up to work her out should be very exciting! It will take place in a few weeks and will result in the destruction of at least one block, at least one death and could result in escapes and all around in-character drama fun~! More details will be revealed as we near the date, so stay tuned!

Also, July Touranment!!
If you want to be involved in the July Tournament, please comment here, and adding in how far you would like to see your mutant get would be glorious. Commenting before Friday (the 26th) would be ideal if possible. More info on Tournaments )

Thanks again for all your enthusiasm and dedication to the game!
Much love!
Mods Xi and David

[info]scarletwanda in [info]offtheisland

Okay, so...

I'm sorry to say I have to leave the game because I just don't have the time to devote to it that I thought I did. It was very nice meeting you all. Thank you all, and goodbye. :)

[info]blackline_mod in [info]offtheisland

Hey islanders!

As you saw, we have sadly lost our Scarlet Witch. She is an awesome player and will be missed and we so appreciate her being honest and upfront about her issues and concerns. Send love her way, you can always find her lurking around the Scarlet Witch page on comicvine.com! ;p

Also, Jenn has stepped out of the game along with her OC. We will be scripting him out shortly with the upcoming event. Thanks again to all who give us notice if they cannot remain in play.

In the mean time, the friends updater has been updated for you all.