June 21st, 2009

[info]blackline_mod in [info]offtheisland

Mod!post of d00m

Ok, mutant lovers, big mod post is big, so settle in!

First off, there are going to be some emails issued to inboxes for a few of you. We are handing out seven activity notices for this activity period, and that number is rather high. Your mods are not exactly happy about that. We do and will enforce this rule if necessary, but please do not make us. We have several new faces in the comm and have noticed some extra energy coming in with them so we are very happy about that and have no doubts that the next activity period will be much more successful!

Secondly, we want to announce a "move it or lose it" policy on threads. About this policy )

The next order of business, we need your feedback on! )

Lastly, we would like to remind everyone that not all scenes have to be threaded out. Playing via email, Google docs, IM threads and log posts is more than acceptable. Write whichever way works best for you and your scening partner at that time. Be aware that not every thread has to be posted. If you do a fun/quick/silly hang-out scene to get a feel for interaction, a log of it does not have to be posted. Please do share scenes which are major to character development with the community so that others can keep up with developments. Remember to do enough 'major' scenes to keep your activity level up. This community does run "storybook" style, so please avoid posting any "asterisk" style threads in the community. Do feel free to run scenes anywhere and in whatever style helps you stay connected to your character. We will accept any and all items, but the more plot heavy and important they are for your character's development, the more interesting they are to read.

Thanks for reading all the way down to here, you all get a cookie! Keep on being awesome!
-The Mods