June 11th, 2009

[info]blackline_mod in [info]offtheisland

Ok, let's have some fun here. Character Meme time!

The rules are simple, answer the questions below, either on behalf of your character(s) or let them answer themselves. Feel free to have fun with it, be silly and go nuts, stray off topic, let them get offended by a question--ham it up! Answer here or in your character's journal, if you do a journal of it be sure to link to it here so we can all enjoy!

Please note, this is entirely optional! Just something to have fun with and maybe help battle the early-summer slump. Ready? Set? Here we go!

So we asked a simple black bird, who was happy as can be )

[info]dead_silent in [info]offtheisland

DDD: ohnoooesss

My computer has died! First one, then my old one i was using until i could see if the first one could be fixed, so now i have no computers and that means no internets DDD:

the soonest ill find out if its fixable/ might be fixed is sunday, and if not then, ill have to buy a new computer, which will probably take a week or so

so i am now on a hiatus DDD: sorry to everyone im in threads with!!

i hope i can survive the lack of internets, i just might wither and die ;___;