June 6th, 2009

[info]blackline_mod in [info]offtheisland

Hey Islanders.

Just a quick update to let you all know that we did have to send out an activity notice to one of our players, and for the sake of sparing you all a lecture you've already heard, please refer to this post if you wonder why we are so adamant about activity. Also, make sure you are tagging your entries, one person would have failed the check due to not tagging had we not seen their recent entry at the top of the IC comm page. ;p

Grats and a big round of thank-yous to everyone who passed the check. Please remember that if you start or join a thread, it is a commitment to the others who are in the thread. If you are pressed for time or lose interest, please try and wrap up the thread with a quick post to bow your character out, rather than just leaving it hanging in limbo. I think we can all agree that being left hanging sucks. It's a courtesy and it's much appreciated.

Just another reminder, David is going to unavailable from Sunday until afternoon on Monday. Today is going to be a bit sketchy, so feel free to email the mod account or use the Drop Box for questions or concerns.

Keep rocking with your awesome selves!