May 19th, 2009

[info]blackline_mod in [info]offtheisland

Mod hat time

Hello, lovely players!

We have a few modly updates and reminders for you all.

First off, we want to remind you all that the acivity check will take place this Friday! Make sure all your characters has updated since the 8th or face modly wrath! Ooooh scary~!

Secondly, we wanted to ask you all your thoughts on the June tournament. See more under the cut )

Third, cuts! Please remember to place your scenes under a cut tag if the starter is long. One or two paragraphs being left out to catch attention is perfectly fine and acceptable, possibly three paragraphs if they are short. But once you hit three or more, please use a cut tag to make the main community page easier to navigate. Don't know how to do a cut? We have the log coding already made for you here and linked on the site map and the main comm, ooc comm and mod journal profile pages.

Finally, we would like to remind everyone that there is a one-month cool down period between applying characters. We realize this can seem like a terribly long time, but this is really only two activity checks and gives us time to see your activity level and gives you time to both get familiar with your current character(s) in the community and plan out how to work your new character in. At the three week mark, you are free to request a hold on your planned character/PB on the Holds page, but please be aware that we cannot hold a character longer than a week. You are free and encouraged to plot and plan in advance with other players for friendships, plots, histories, etc for characters you are planning on bringing in.

All right, that is all from the modly duo tonight, we apologize for the giant wall-o do's and don't's and look forward to your feedback and any questions you have!