May 17th, 2009

[info]blackline_mod in [info]offtheisland

Alright, dearies. It's that time again! Time to visit the friends updater and put your hands together to welcome in two new friends to our little com of craziness!

Chris and Tabitha have decided to join in the fun and they will be bringing Nox (OC; [info]itzal_bidarte) and BoomBoom (canon; [info]tabithasmith) respectively.

Leave them some love in their welcome posts and try to pull them into plotting. Nox seems like a strong fighter and BoomBoom sounds like a party waiting to happen, so the mods are excited.

Welcome friends! Join in the fun and have at it~♥

All questions, comments, or otherwise desired statements can be placed below in the little box.

Stay tuned, we're not done yet!
~The Mods

[info]blackline_mod in [info]offtheisland

One more time for good measure, please welcome Devon, who's bringing in not only a sweet-tastic rendition of Quicksilver(canon; [info]quick_silver), but who has found the MOST AWESOME PB for that character the mods have ever seen. As always, visit the friends adder and leave him some love on his opening post in the OOC com!