May 11th, 2009

[info]blackline_mod in [info]offtheisland

Hello, Islanders!

We have another new character to the game, please welcome Julie's second, the ever loud, hyper and happy Mao, found over at [info]fuckingcatboy! He is in Green Block and I'm sure will be demanding all our attention soon enough. Give him some love and be sure to update your friends list.

Who wants a death match? While you can always script yourself an NPC to kill, we have one character who needs "taking care of," so if you have an idea for an awesome match, IM David. Best idea gets the kill! (Wow, we're morbid... and I like it!)

Please help save mod sanity and comment here after you have updated your f-list, Too much script makes David a twitchy person.

[info]cutfromthewomb in [info]offtheisland

Proper introduction time, although I did get a nice one a few posts down. I'm Shiloh (a girl Shiloh, not a boy Shiloh) and I'll be bringing in the ever so lovely Daken. Daken is the son of Wolverine. Hurrah! He's got claws! And superhuman senses! And pheromone manipulation! Daken loves to kill and mortally wound people, so if he weren't literally dragged into Revolve, he probably would enjoy it more.

I can be reached on aim at liberate the day for all your plotting purposes. I loves me some plot, so feel free to ping me. :D

[info]blackline_mod in [info]offtheisland

Alright, dears. We will be having a game wide match up and your partners are assigned. I've done this randomly with respects to personalities and paying attention to opposites and seeing what develops. You will have a two week period from today's date to get these in and all of them are mandatory. If you have questions, leave a comment here and/or talk with the mods, we won't bite too hard, we promise.

Please don't pick me! Please don't pick me! ... damn. )

Feel free to plot it out here in comments, or to im each other or what have you. Please remember, it's a SCENE, not a fight.

Get creative~