May 9th, 2009

[info]blackline_mod in [info]offtheisland

Alright, all you happy people. We've also gotten another addition to our lovely game tonight.

Everyone welcome Shiloh with Daken ( [info]cutfromthewomb ), Wolverine's canon son. He's been in game for two years and is currently residing in the Red Block. We're very excited to see him with us and are hoping that he's comfortable here.

Please remember to update your friends adders and leave him some love once he posts a hello for the com!

That's all for now~
The mods.

[info]blackline_mod in [info]offtheisland

Hello, Islanders!

One last modly post and then we'll stop for a while, promise!

Nicole has decided to leave the game, we wish her all the best. The Contacts Page has again been updated to accommodate this, please take a minute to update your friends list. The Employment Page has at last been updated, see what jobs are open, who works them, and see if your character would like a job to help pass the time at Revolve!

We would also like to take a moment to remind everyone that we are not only open to, but eager for plot! Think you character could do something that will have a major impact on the island, will cause a big commotion, or want a plot line that you would need mod help to pull off? Talk to us, we will be more than happy to help you set it up. Have an idea you think would be cool/fun/angsty/interesting? Do share! This game is as much yours as it is ours so please don't be shy about asking!

Lastly, we are still in desperate need of humans, gamblers and owners! ATBL has a rather unique setup where to play a non-mutant, you do not need to know anything about mutants or the X-Men universe at all. Not knowing is actually very in character for a human who is new to the island. So, if you have any RP buddies who want to play an owner, guard, etc in a dark setting? By all means invite them, no comic book knowledge is needed.

Thank you all again for your enthusiasm about the game, this month's tournament had a great turnout and resulted in some truly great reading! Keep rocking with your bad selves!

-The Mods