March 22nd, 2009

[info]blackline_mod in [info]offtheisland

The week of new players

Please welcome our newest member, Kelly. She will be bringing us the canon Dust ([info]dust_), who will be in Yellow Block. Please take a moment to use the Friends Adder to update your lists.

[info]dust_ in [info]offtheisland


Assalam-o-Alekum! (I was going to write it in arabic script, but I didn't want to break your brains or browsers.)

It's really, really late, but I wanted to say hi before I go to bed.

I'm Kelly, and I just picked up Sooraya Qadir, aka Dust, a canon Afghani mutant who turns into a sandstorm. :D Fun, hm?

Anyway, I look forward to playing with you all. I can be reached at Kelly Fuller 346 on AIM, so please ping me if you would like to plot at all. Dust is in Yellow Block, and tomorrow I plan to have an open thread with Anole for anyone who wishes to drop in.

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to writing with you all. I've read many of the recent threads and think this is a pretty impressive comm (which is why I joined).

