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Monday, April 8th, 2013

    Time Event

    of our own device

    MODS  •  RPG  •  OOC


    Your life has not been an easy one. Many have tried to make you see reason, and it seems like you make one mistake after another. Some say you never stood a chance in this world but somewhere in your deepest heart of hearts, you know that’s not true. You can remember so clearly walking on your path of destruction, and the world stilling around you as you hit that one defining moment. That one chance to get your life together, or continue this path to whatever oblivion awaited you.

    You made the wrong choice, but don’t worry. There is someone looking out for you. This force of good wants you to find redemption. The force has tried to be subtle, but you missed its cues. You didn’t realize it, but through-out the course of your life you were giving three major opportunities to turn your life around – and failed every choice. Now your life is about to be highjacked.

    How the occupants come to the hotel is always a little different, but the same key details are always the same. A person suffers an extremely long period of bad luck – it could be a week, it could even be months. At some point in the chaos, an opportunity is presented to them. A job offer. A new deal. A new identity. Whatever the person feels they need most presents themselves – if they’re willing to travel to get it. Sometimes they’re told to go to California, sometimes it’s Vegas, but the trip is doomed from the start. Connecting flights will be canceled. Rental cars will break down in the middle of the Mojave desert. Phone signals go out. Batteries die. There’s no choice but to walk it. The details of the journey differ, but the end result is always the same.

    In the distance, you see a hotel.

    Hey guys! So I know I did an ad for this guy a while ago when I had no ideas for him, but now I'm back with him firmly in the game [info]cityoangels and completed! Ignore the bio section being blank, as that's a work in progress as the game develops. Anyways! He's got a possible romance line at the moment, but there are many, many lines that I'd love to see filled! :D He's a police officer, particularly in the Gang and Narcotics squad, and when he's at work he's very serious and is intent on getting the job done right the first time as fast as possible. He follows a daily schedule. Outside of the job, he's pretty humorous and flirtatious. Now that you have an idea of who he is, here are a couple of lines I'd like filled for him:

    Lines! )
    X-posted :3
    So in the process of creating a new character for [info]cityoangels I realized there were a few line ideas running circles through my mind for my boy Perry here. I'd love it if someone would poke me with an idea of their own or even wanted to tweak something of mine or fill something of mine. It'd be great to see some fresh meat blood faces :3 to plot with.

    Ideas I have: )

    As for the newest muse, he is one of a twin set, who will be played by Josh Hartnett. So far what I have on him is that: 'His home life is unsatisfying...' (if you get that quote I love you). He wants to believe that partying is a job (I refuse to allow this, though I do not know if I can control that), I have yet to formulate an occupation (though I will be working on that today). He wears glasses, but I'll be honest in that I don't think there is an Rx in them at all. His heart is not one of gold, though it is not quite one of lead. He leans more toward men than he does toward women (sorry ladies). He's prone to headaches and nosebleeds, so I hope you aren't squeamish about blood... or are you? /wink :3 Ah, yes, and his name is Decan.

    Comments here or at the OOC post for Perry are welcome :3
    The Immune

    It's 2020; eight years after the pandemic began.

    In 2012, the first infected appeared in London. In 2013, it had completely taken Europe. By 2014, it spread to the United States.

    By 2016, the entire world was deemed a lost cause. Cities that formerly housed hustling and bustling business, bright lights and constant activity are shells of their former selves. Electricity for the masses is a near-lost memory and now the only places that hold electricity are "safe havens" like shelters or churches. There are no more new cars or cushy apartments.

    What little freedoms the infected didn't take away, the government destroyed. People deemed "immune," people who didn't turn when bitten, were forced into servitude. Those who had yet to be bitten had the option to help out as well. Immune, and non-immune helpers, were pushed to the brink of exhaustion by the power hungry government, who sat safely in their safe areas.

    Finally, in 2020, people have moved on from the government's games. A small pocket of resistance, residing in New York City, formulated a plan and have created a true "safe haven" in Sing Sing Correctional Facility. No government, and a true safe haven behind walls that no infected can scale. After eight years of oppression, a change has finally begun.

    But that change isn't simple, by any means. Now, the survivors have to contend with a constant government threat, and various uncouth rebel groups who want to take advantage of their advances or take them down from the inside. Plus, there's still the constant threat of infection right outside the walls, constantly dwindling the population.

    The safety is palpable. But it's definitely better than government control.


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