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Thursday, January 20th, 2011

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    Helix Initiative
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    In the 1950s a secret organization started to test the limits of human genetics and structure. With science moving faster than ever towards a new horizon, they were determined to be the first to bring humans to the future.

    In 2009, a chemical was developed that affected people with a certain genetic marker on their DNA. In a world-wide incident that would later be claimed as multiple terror attacks, the chemical was released into the world’s water sources. Whether this was an action of the Initiative themselves or a rogue agent looking to cause chaos in the world is still up for debate.

    As of January 2010 stories have surfaced around the world of people performing extraordinary feats such as teleportation, flying, and even moving things with their minds. Helix began to find and ‘collect’ these special humans; deceiving some by offering help, or abducting others if they resist. No one knows the location they have been taken, somehow they always fall asleep during the ride or just miraculously appear in the medical ward of the building.

    Here they will live and receive training to develop control over their powers until Helix decides they are ready to start the second phase of their training.




    There's trouble brewing across the ocean...

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    It's September 2010 and the world is still reeling from the news that the Dark Lord has returned. The wizarding community is on pins and needles with fear, so many helpless to stop it. Even in the US, people are going missing and the Dark Mark is appearing in the sky, albeit less frequently than across the ocean.

    The Ravenscrest Academy of the Magical Arts is no exception. The school is nestled in upstate New York outside Ravens Falls, the second oldest all-wizarding area in the United States. Like all wizarding communities, there are some who are against the Dark Lord and all he stands for and there are those who would follow him unwaveringly. The atmosphere surrounding the magical world in the US is similar to the way it was during World War II, when they wait for the war to spill across the ocean and into their backyards.

    Running congruent to Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, if it had been set in 2010, Ravenscrest is an AU game focusing on one of the seven magical secondary schools in the United States. Not unlike the way the US was before the nation entered World War II, the war can seem some what surreal to many students, something that's happening far away and could never possibly effect them. For others, its something that effects their families, losing loved ones. Still others were waiting to do their part to assist the Dark Lord in his rise to power and his desire to cleanse the magical world from Muggle blood and to make non-magical people slaves to those with power.

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