original character rpgs!
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Thursday, August 19th, 2010

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    EdgeLand - post-apocalyptic roleplay
    This is the way the world ends...

    It's October 2010, a year and a half after a global outbreak of a new strain of influenza. The virus mutated. There is almost no one left.

    A group of survivors found each other and started to rebuild, settling in the Sonoma Valley, the heart of California wine country and one of the richest agricultural areas of North America.

    The problem with prime locations, of course, is that they come at a price, even in a world where money is a thing of the past.

    EdgeLand is an original character RPG with a post-viral-apocalypse backdrop, set apart from other games by its philosophy on player involvement and collaboration, where every character is pivotal to their own cog in the overall plot. Do you have the ability and imagination to be part of it?

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