Original Character Role Playing - May 19th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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May 19th, 2010

Dark Obsidian: An Original Noir Game [May. 19th, 2010|12:43 am]



I didn't know what to do or say when I walked in there and saw them together. Even if he would like to tell you otherwise I had never thought of myself as a doormat; the kind of woman who lets her man cheat on her inconsequentially because there are other good things to look forward to, or children to look out for, or fear of confrontation. And I sure didn't feel like changing my ways at that moment. If going for the punch would be unwise, 'cause he could easily crack me in half if he felt so inclined, I didn't exactly stay for tea. Hell, I didn't even say a word.

It wasn't until later, sittin' at my friend Maria's table that everything clicked into place. "Why don't you pay someone to send him a message?", she suggested.

Instead, I paid someone to sell me the message. And I delivered it myself. It was an accident, you see, "Women and guns shouldn't mix", he always said.

Rest In Pieces, Irving.

She's not sorry.

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[May. 19th, 2010|01:53 pm]


[info]mcdermott_rpg | [info]mcdermott_game | [info]mcdermott_ooc

Premise | Rules | Posting Requirements | Taken&Held PBs | Application | Campus Details | Academics | Campus Layout | Game History

We are a friendly, active PB game that has been going strong for a year! We're about to start off summer sessions in our academic calendar and it's a perfect time for new students. We are particularly in need of new freshmen, males, and professors. Please stop by!
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[May. 19th, 2010|09:59 pm]
Lost in the world grander than its dreams, a small town beckons you. Its name is Crystal Falls, nestled in the middle of one of the largest lakes of the south. For now, this town is safe, a haven for the mystical creatures of lore. They welcome you with open arms. Most are friendly like no other place in the world. More are coming, drawn to the power already here in this enchanted land, and by the powers of the ones long settled here. The promise of protection, friendship, family, normalcy, whatever it is you want out of your life is here and now. How long will it last? Who can you trust?

Welcome to Mystic Realm.

Adds within 36 hours of apping!
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